Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
One Amazing Year!
A year ago we were blessed with a healthy beautiful baby boy. We welcomed Cole Henry with hugs and kisses and he stole our hearts right then and there. Watching him grow and blossom into a little boy has made this year the best ever! Here is a slideshow of Cole’s first year, I tried my best to keep it short but had no luck. What can I say I love the stinker so much it was hard to keep it short!
Cole Turns One!
Today is your 1st birthday! Before you were even born we dreamed of what you would be like but nothing we dreamed of could have ever come close to who you are today. The first few weeks passed by in a sleep deprived blur and we spent every moment we had holding you and just staring at your sweet little face. It seems impossible that a year has passed since then. You greet us each morning with a huge smile that just melts are hearts and brings us such joy. It’s amazing how much energy you have! You crawl faster than we can keep up with sometimes. You defiantly keep us on our toes. You’re not quite ready to start walking but I know once you do we will be chasing you. That’s because you are such a playful little boy! You love to zoom your cars around the house sound effects and all. You love to be chased by Daddy, with a few small words “I’m going to get you” has you smiling and crawling off in the other direction. You have a huge love for music. Anytime you hear it you dance. All those dance parties mommy and daddy had for you over the past year must have rubbed off. You consume large amounts of blueberries on a daily basis. You are a water baby, ocean or pool or tub you love it! From early on you have been a talker and you surprise us on a daily basis on what you will say. Like this past weekend you said Donald Duck and Blue. Of course it was your version of these words “Don Duk” and “Bu” which is beyond adorable. It’s just two more words to your ever growing vocabulary. At night you give us sweet sleepy open mouthed kisses and lay your head on are shoulders when we bring you to bed. You sleep every night with your paci and bear blanket close to your face. Its almost to much cuteness to handle.
Cole every day we look into those beautiful blue eyes of yours, kiss your chubby cheeks and thank the heavens above that your all ours. We feel so blessed. We want nothing more than for you to be loved and feel loved. We will be here for you always. We will watch you grow with a proud smile like only a parent knows how and wish that time would just slow down.
You made us smile the moment we saw you…And were still smiling… We love you so much Cole! Happy 1st Birthday Little Man!
Mommy and Daddy
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
1 Year Photo Shoot!
This week is a busy one! I’m trying to finish last minute details for Cole’s bday party as well as get the house in order. It amazes me in the two years since we moved in how many nicks and bumps our house has gone through. We have lots of touch of paint to do, which isn’t much fun. While I’m busy doing that Hubs will be power washing the house. Sounds fun huh?!
Yesterday evening was Cole’s 1 year photo shoot with Melissa Barrick. We wanted it to be outside and Kinder Park seemed like the perfect place. Since he was little Cole has spent a lot of time there with us, his grandmas and Mrs. Kristen. It just seemed fitting we take the pictures there. My usually very smiley baby didn’t seem to want to smile to much. It seems the act of being told to smile wasn’t his thing. While there were only a few grins here and there I was super pleased at how well he did. Even in the extreme heat he really didn’t start to get whiny till after 45 minutes, I take that as a win for us! I can’t wait to see how they turned out! I can't believe he will be a year old in less then 5 days! Be still my heart :)
Yesterday evening was Cole’s 1 year photo shoot with Melissa Barrick. We wanted it to be outside and Kinder Park seemed like the perfect place. Since he was little Cole has spent a lot of time there with us, his grandmas and Mrs. Kristen. It just seemed fitting we take the pictures there. My usually very smiley baby didn’t seem to want to smile to much. It seems the act of being told to smile wasn’t his thing. While there were only a few grins here and there I was super pleased at how well he did. Even in the extreme heat he really didn’t start to get whiny till after 45 minutes, I take that as a win for us! I can’t wait to see how they turned out! I can't believe he will be a year old in less then 5 days! Be still my heart :)
Monday, June 20, 2011
Happy Father's Day
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Beach Trip 2011
Last week we had a wonderful time in the Outer Banks, we stayed on the 4x4 beaches with two other families. It’s a stretch of beach where there are no roads, no restaurants and no shops. All vacation homes are reached only by 4x4 vehicles. It was our first Family Vacation. This term has a whole new meaning to me now. For now I’m a parent. We all knew there wasn’t going to be very much relaxing with each family having a child under 18 months, relaxing was something only done when the children were sleeping. Gone are the days of us sitting on the beach, reading a book and having a beer. My child does not sit still unless he is asleep or strapped into his car seat. So lounging on the beach was not his thing. From the first moment we put him down on the sand he was off…like a small crab moving along the shore line. In and out of the water and digging into the sand. I gave up quickly about worrying that he was eating sand, as long as it wasn’t handfuls he was fine! And for the most part all he wanted to do was dig. He did great but in short periods of time. Beach for an hour, pool for 30 min, eat then nap. It must have been a lot for him cause little man required 3 naps most days. Thankfully we had our own private pool at the house so we weren’t stuck inside when he was napping.
I found that the key to going on vacation with a small child is Team Work. Hubs and Me worked out a system that gave us both a little bit of free time on our own during the day. While it can be lots of work and pretty exhausting I wouldn’t trade it for a second. I loved being able to spend the whole week with Cole and watch him experience the beach, pool and spending time with his two buddies Connor and Austin. Seeing my Husband and Cole fall head over heels for The Geary Family’s dog Griffin ( No Dear, we are not getting a dog). I even managed to read a book and get some much needed sun. We had a few game nights with the Adults that were pretty Epic. I can’t count how many times I snorted while laughing during those nights! I love the memories that were made and I can’t wait to do it all over again next year. So now here is a crap load of pictures from our Family Vacation!
I found that the key to going on vacation with a small child is Team Work. Hubs and Me worked out a system that gave us both a little bit of free time on our own during the day. While it can be lots of work and pretty exhausting I wouldn’t trade it for a second. I loved being able to spend the whole week with Cole and watch him experience the beach, pool and spending time with his two buddies Connor and Austin. Seeing my Husband and Cole fall head over heels for The Geary Family’s dog Griffin ( No Dear, we are not getting a dog). I even managed to read a book and get some much needed sun. We had a few game nights with the Adults that were pretty Epic. I can’t count how many times I snorted while laughing during those nights! I love the memories that were made and I can’t wait to do it all over again next year. So now here is a crap load of pictures from our Family Vacation!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Busy 2 Weeks
I will upload my pictures tonight, I will upload my pictures tonight….maybe if I keep saying it I will actually do it. I guess I just don’t want to believe vacation is over. Adjusting back to work and the reality of day to day life is not easy. And the fact that little man’s first birthday is exactly 2 weeks away is adding to my uneasiness. It’s an exciting time yes but my baby will officially be a toddler. I’m scrabbling to finish up some details for his party, which will be a very low key bbq at our house. I did decide on a theme and I’m trying my best to stick to it! Here are the invites that went out a few weeks ago, 100%homemade thanks to my mama helping me.

And since putting together Cole's bday party isn't enough for me to do with my free time, we have been working on several house projects that we hope to finish up before the party. Repainting our bedroom. We have gone gray, actually summit gray! It's almost finished and I can't beleive how much I love it! And after 2years of long debate on what to do in our kitchen...the backsplash is underway! The next 2 weeks will sure be busy but I can't wait! I will be sure to take pictures....I just need to get my lazy ass to upload them. :)

And since putting together Cole's bday party isn't enough for me to do with my free time, we have been working on several house projects that we hope to finish up before the party. Repainting our bedroom. We have gone gray, actually summit gray! It's almost finished and I can't beleive how much I love it! And after 2years of long debate on what to do in our kitchen...the backsplash is underway! The next 2 weeks will sure be busy but I can't wait! I will be sure to take pictures....I just need to get my lazy ass to upload them. :)
Monday, June 13, 2011
Guess Who Loved the Beach?!?
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Bikes and Trikes
Last Friday our neighborhood had Bikes and Trikes for the kids. They closed off a road and let the kids bike back in forth. They also provided snacks,juice and pizza! This of course prompted me to give Cole his birthday present a few weeks early :)

Seriously how cute is this thing, it's a 3 in 1 trike so it will be a staple around our house for years to come. He really seemed to enjoy it and was so proud of his big boy self!Even if he was a little younger then most of the kids there it was fun to watch the other kids and he even got a few pushes on his new trike from the girls.

Seriously how cute is this thing, it's a 3 in 1 trike so it will be a staple around our house for years to come. He really seemed to enjoy it and was so proud of his big boy self!Even if he was a little younger then most of the kids there it was fun to watch the other kids and he even got a few pushes on his new trike from the girls.

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