You turned 6 months old two weeks ago and it seems you are on a mission to grow up! So much has happened in the last month for you. You are officially crawling. There is no stopping you now. You are pulling up on everything. I believe the whole crawling thing is fun for you but your real goal is to stand. You crawl to anywhere that you could possibly stand yourself on. I have learned to embrace all this mobility but this has to be one of my least favorite things. You pull up and just let go. It scares me so much. You have knocked your head a few times , I hope this stage passes without to many boo boos.
You have two teeth now. They seem to be driving you crazy. You are not a cranky baby so I know your teeth must be bothering you. Its even affected your appetite some days. I hope after this second one brakes through you will get brake till your next few.
Right before you turned 6 months old you started saying Da Da.
It’s cute and mostly comes out when your frustrated and can’t pull up on something. You mainly do this cute high pitch screech and laughing to communicate with us. And of course lots and lots of smiles.
Your favorite person is still your brother. You love to watch him and terrorize him now that your crawling. He is good with you most days and is learning to share his toys. He is always fast to try and get you to stop crying by making funny noises and it usually works. Cole always gets the best belly laughs out of you.
You are a daddy’s girl. You light up every time you see him.
You took your first really bath in the big tub. And you loved it. Your brother joined you of course.
You’re doing great with solid foods, you seem to prefer vegetable over anything else. Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Peas are a few of your favorites.
You like it when I sing to you. Wheels on the bus gets the biggest smiles.
Your sleeping great a night. 12 hours. Naps still seem to be a challenge. But I think that has something to do with teething. You take three naps a day but its work to get you to sleep more than one nap that’s longer than 45 min.
You have your 6 month checkup Thursday so I’m not sure how long you are but you weigh in at 16 lbs. You are in sizes 3-6 months for some dresses but most clothes it’s 6 months.
**** Update- your check up this week- at 6 months 3 weeks- 15lbs 15oz (38%), 25.5 inches (28%)- your a little peanut :) ****
**** Update- your check up this week- at 6 months 3 weeks- 15lbs 15oz (38%), 25.5 inches (28%)- your a little peanut :) ****
I just moved you up to size 3 diaper. There I tad big but you have room to move!
Can’t wait to see what the next month holds for you.. You amaze me everyday. You are such a determined sweet little girl. Love you!