The week after I found out I was pregnant I had to order my bridesmaid dress for my sister's wedding. I went to the store and told the salesman that I would be almost 30weeks pregnant when the wedding came in April and that I had no clue how big I would be! He suggested I try on the dress to see what my original size in it was then go up 4 sizes, he even supplied a belly bump to show me how it would look. My mom was there to witness this and said "Sarah your belly won't be that big at 30 weeks, you will be fine!". So I bought my size 12 dress and thought there was no way I'll be this big! Ha! Was the joke on me! As of last week it was apparent this dress would not be working for me, it not only didn't hold my ever growing chest but the size of my bump was now making the front of dress come up above my knees!And i still have 7 weeks to go! Time to panic!?!?
Thankfully the gracious bride agreed that it was time to find a new dress! So i returned to the store with my mom where we found the best sales lady ever! She found me a great dress that comes in exactly the same color and she even let me return the other dress! She said the salesman should have never let me purchase it because it really would never work with on a 7 month pregnant lady! Ahhh crisis averted! The new dress is even a smaller size but was made to handle the BUMP!
So my word of advise to future pregnant women who will be in a wedding, always plan for a backup and never let a salesMAN assure you that a dress size will work. What do guys know?!?
Here is the bridesmaid dress everyone else will be wearing;

Here is my bridesmaid dress, I will be shortening it so it looks like everyone else's;
Oh yeah the new one will work a lot better! "Stretchy" is a prego woman's best friend.
Too funny about the salesMAN;-) The new dress is VERY pretty and I can't wait to see pictures!!!
You will be beautiful! You know that baby boy was going to make a BIG bump!!
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