OK so 36 weeks and 3 days along, here's how I'm feeling...
I have been having more Braxton Hicks contractions and menstrual cramps but nothing that is consistent. Walking is starting to become more difficult, I always thought pregnant woman waddle because of weight gain and back pain. No one ever told me about the pressure on my cervix and my rectum that makes it hard to walk. I have been getting lots of shooting pains on my cervix,which take my breath away( which means Cole's head is hitting some nerves down there).
Sleeping has become a joke, I now wake up every hour and a half to pee. Or at least it feels like I have to pee, but sometimes its just pressure making me think I have to go. My hip pain has entered an all time hurt, I'm debating on moving to the sitting chair in our bedroom. I think I may get more sleep sitting up and also it would be easier for me to go for my many bathroom trips. If only I could get a few hours in a row in I would be OK during the day but the truth is I'm dragging by mid afternoon.
Cam was on business in NY this week, I have become even more dependent on him these last few weeks so without him being here was hard. I mean I know I have it good, he usually makes dinner every night and takes care of almost every chore around the house. So it was somewhat of a challenge for me this week to actually muster up the energy to cook every night. Emotionally at 36 weeks a women needs her husband more then ever...he is my rock and keeps me somewhat sane through all this!
And lastly I feel HUGE! I have never seen this amount of cellulite on my legs, I love how my arms now resemble what my pre-prego thighs use to look like and I just adore my double chin more then anything else! But I can say it is all worth it, if this is what it takes to get my little man then bring it on! I will however complain on the way.... :)
Now enough about me, this week I had an ultrasound done and my first internal exam.
Cole is weighing in at 5lbs and 10 ounces at 36 weeks! Not to small not to big, just right in the middle! He is in perfect position (LOA) for delivery. The three most optimal positions are OA, LOA and LOT. Here's a cool picture of the different positions a baby could be in,

Internal Exam
I didn't know exactly what to expect with the internal exams, but let's just say it wasn't the most pleasant thing ever. It feels like the doctor is sticking her entire hand up you and prodding to find your cervix. Thank goodness it only lasted like 30-45 seconds but I'm already dreading it next week. The good news is that we have progress!!! I'm one centimeter dilated and 50% effaced. This means my cervix is thinning out and getting ready for delivery! I know this also does not mean delivery is near it just means my body is getting ready. My doctor told me she is very happy with my progress and that my cervix is very good for a FTM. Who knew?!
We go back Wed for my next internal and I can't wait to see if I have made anymore progress!
Progress!!! YAY:-)
I love reading your posts....it brings back so many memories for me times 2!
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