Yep tomorrow Cam and Me are leaving Cole and headed down to Raleigh, NC. I can I dare leave my baby boy?!?! I keep telling myself this is a good thing for Cam and me, to get away be us again for 2 nights and have some fun!
But as I sat in his room today packing his stuff up for his stay at my parents I couldn't help but feel it is to soon. And to make things even harder I start back at work on Monday. Oh how I wish I had more time to spend with my baby but unfortunately me being a SAHM (stay at home mom)is not an option right now.
Cam and me are both going to miss Cole so much, and as we tucked him into bed tonight there was a few extra kisses and one more I love you before we dragged ourselves away from his crib.
On to Raleigh we go to see some great friends, hopefully watch NC State dominate VT and catch the old college day feelings once again. And I get to spend it all with Cam on this extra special weekend that is our 2ND anniversary.
Wish us luck were going to need it and a few drinks to get us through :)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
3 months Today!
Cole you are 3 months today!!! Where on earth has the time gone! Your daddy and me love you so much and cant even remember what life was like before you. Seriously what did we do with all our time?!? You have brought so much joy into our lives. These days your really starting to blossom into your own little person and it's amazing to watch. I'm starting to realize it will not be like this forever...I cherish the time I get to cuddle with you and see you smile up at me. You are such a sweet loving little boy and I'm so proud to be your mommy!
What your up to!?
- You weigh a little over 13lbs.
- You are in size 1-2 diapers
- You are wearing 3 months clothes. And some 3-6 month clothes.
- You love standing with some assistance, we try to sit you down but you want to stand
- Your hands seem to always be in your mouth these days.
- You can hold a rattle and have even reached out to grab it three times.
- You take lots of cat naps during the day....usually with a long one in the
- You go to bed every night around 7:30pm and sleep till around 5-5:30am.
- You love the mornings!Huge Smiles when Daddy and me come in to get you makes 5am OK!
- You still love your swing.
- You don't care for tummy time.
- You talk non stop...and it's adorable.
We love you sooo much sweetie! Happy 3 months!

What your up to!?
- You weigh a little over 13lbs.
- You are in size 1-2 diapers
- You are wearing 3 months clothes. And some 3-6 month clothes.
- You love standing with some assistance, we try to sit you down but you want to stand
- Your hands seem to always be in your mouth these days.
- You can hold a rattle and have even reached out to grab it three times.
- You take lots of cat naps during the day....usually with a long one in the
- You go to bed every night around 7:30pm and sleep till around 5-5:30am.
- You love the mornings!Huge Smiles when Daddy and me come in to get you makes 5am OK!
- You still love your swing.
- You don't care for tummy time.
- You talk non stop...and it's adorable.
We love you sooo much sweetie! Happy 3 months!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday Films!
OK so I'm going to attempt to put up a film (video) every Friday of the little man. I'm sure this will be much harder once I go back to work. But with family & friends far away I want everyone to be able to see Cole!
Which means I need to really get better at taking video's of him, I'm so busy talking to him I don't realize the camera is shooting his tummy. Amateur at work here! Ugg...I tried to edit out the tummy shooting but no success. So I just made it into 2 videos!
Which means I need to really get better at taking video's of him, I'm so busy talking to him I don't realize the camera is shooting his tummy. Amateur at work here! Ugg...I tried to edit out the tummy shooting but no success. So I just made it into 2 videos!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cole meets Austin!
Give Him a Hand!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Where does the time go?!
Time is flying by and I can't seem to keep up these days! With only 17 days left till I'm officially back in the office..I need this time to slow down so I can relish the one on one time I have with Cole. I'm actually getting a little teary now thinking about only getting a few hours a day with him. But it has to be so I will try my best to not have an emotional breakdown. I mean women do this everyday and there children are OK?!? I know this sounds crazy but I don't want him to forget me! Cam's says I'm crazy but it truly is my big worry,Cam says things like "do you think he forgets who I'm cause I work?!, he won't forget you either Sarah". I know he's right but I think it's the Mom in me that worries.
Cole turns 12 weeks this Monday, it's amazing how you can watch him look at things and know he's learning. He's taking everything in and is such a curious little guy. When I carry him anywhere he has to be able to look all's adorable he moves his head back and forth to see what's going on. He loves loves to talk...I think it's a combination of wanting to communicate and liking the sound of his own voice. Getting his diaper changed is tops on his favorite things, he just loves to be naked and clean! He's wearing 3 month clothes now...and there getting small. :(
He falls asleep around 7:30-8pm and sleeps to around 5:30-6am, this has been going for 4 weeks now.
But honestly watching his personality blossom is the best thing ever it truly melts my heart and makes me thank god that I'm so blessed to be his mommy.
Cole turns 12 weeks this Monday, it's amazing how you can watch him look at things and know he's learning. He's taking everything in and is such a curious little guy. When I carry him anywhere he has to be able to look all's adorable he moves his head back and forth to see what's going on. He loves loves to talk...I think it's a combination of wanting to communicate and liking the sound of his own voice. Getting his diaper changed is tops on his favorite things, he just loves to be naked and clean! He's wearing 3 month clothes now...and there getting small. :(
He falls asleep around 7:30-8pm and sleeps to around 5:30-6am, this has been going for 4 weeks now.
But honestly watching his personality blossom is the best thing ever it truly melts my heart and makes me thank god that I'm so blessed to be his mommy.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Cam!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sick Day :(
Labor Day Weekend!
Well Labor came and went so fast, we hung around close to home Saturday then made are way down to Richmond to visit Courtney and Chris. It was Cole's first night trip away and long car ride. He did great! The Dunn's had us all over for a nice little cookout and a chance to see the two little boys. Lewis is a little over a year and is constantly on the move, he is such a cutie. Cole was great besides a minor melt down near feeding time he slept the entire night and slept during the long car rides. Down side when traveling is Cole sleeping in the same room as us, I woke up every hours to the noises he makes during the night. So I was a bit tired and have now seemed to come down with something. :(
On Monday Cam went to watch his beloved Hokies play at Fed Ex Field, but they couldn't seem to pull out the win. Even with Cole wearing his lucky VT onesie (Thanks Aunt Coco)! All in All it was a great weekend with Family and Friends!

On Monday Cam went to watch his beloved Hokies play at Fed Ex Field, but they couldn't seem to pull out the win. Even with Cole wearing his lucky VT onesie (Thanks Aunt Coco)! All in All it was a great weekend with Family and Friends!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Cole's first Raven's Game!
We brought Cole to his first Raven's game last Saturday. I was a little nervous mostly because of the sound, besides that I knew he would be fine. The game started at 7:30 so we got there in enough time to grab some tailgate food, change his diaper twice, and feed him his bottle.I strapped him in the baby Bjorn and off we went! For this game we sat with Cam's parents in the club level, which is the only way I would go to the game with Cole. I told everyone to go ahead and go to there seats while I waited for him to fall sleep. I figured with the sound it would be best if he fell asleep first in the quieter sitting area then bring him out in the noise tired. And it worked! His Nana Vicki really wanted to hold him while he slept so I handed him over and we both seemed to enjoy ourselves. Her looking and holding him during the game and me watching! Honestly I was really surprised that he slept through all that noise...he was out for the count! We left at half time and got him tucked into his crib while he never woke up once.
We took some pictures before we left the house, if you can't tell we were pretty excited about taking him to the Ravens game!

We took some pictures before we left the house, if you can't tell we were pretty excited about taking him to the Ravens game!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Giraffes Make Me Happy!
This is for Aunt Coco!We can't wait to see you this weekend!
Cole just loves looking at the giraffe picture by his changing table so I wanted to try and catch him looking at it. It's a little rough but you get the idea. :)
Cole just loves looking at the giraffe picture by his changing table so I wanted to try and catch him looking at it. It's a little rough but you get the idea. :)
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