Friday, September 17, 2010

Where does the time go?!

Time is flying by and I can't seem to keep up these days! With only 17 days left till I'm officially back in the office..I need this time to slow down so I can relish the one on one time I have with Cole. I'm actually getting a little teary now thinking about only getting a few hours a day with him. But it has to be so I will try my best to not have an emotional breakdown. I mean women do this everyday and there children are OK?!? I know this sounds crazy but I don't want him to forget me! Cam's says I'm crazy but it truly is my big worry,Cam says things like "do you think he forgets who I'm cause I work?!, he won't forget you either Sarah". I know he's right but I think it's the Mom in me that worries.

Cole turns 12 weeks this Monday, it's amazing how you can watch him look at things and know he's learning. He's taking everything in and is such a curious little guy. When I carry him anywhere he has to be able to look all's adorable he moves his head back and forth to see what's going on. He loves loves to talk...I think it's a combination of wanting to communicate and liking the sound of his own voice. Getting his diaper changed is tops on his favorite things, he just loves to be naked and clean! He's wearing 3 month clothes now...and there getting small. :(
He falls asleep around 7:30-8pm and sleeps to around 5:30-6am, this has been going for 4 weeks now.

But honestly watching his personality blossom is the best thing ever it truly melts my heart and makes me thank god that I'm so blessed to be his mommy.


K Ervick said...

He could never forget his mommy. You will adjust with time. You are so lucky you have Wednesdays for just mommy and Cole time ;)

Linda said...

Baby's will never forget their Mom's. It will make him just love you more when he wraps his little fingers around yours.