Cole talking up a storm
Puma wanted in on the action
My happy boy
He broke a tooth this weekend and he's still so happy :)
What Cole's up to these days...
- wants to sit or stand all the time.
- can sit on his own for a little while
- can turn over both ways
- holds his bottle most of the time
- has tried pears, bananas and sweet potatoes and liked them all
- loves his jumper/exesaucer thing
- talks to his stuffed animals
- reaches out for the kitty cats
- grabs EVERYTHING..then inserts it into his mouth
- has the best laugh ever
- smiles all the time
- sleeps 11 hours a night
- naps about 2.5-3.5 hrs during the day
- wears 6 month and 6-9 month clothes
- wears size 3 diapers now
- weighs about 17lbs and 9 oz
- has started saying ra ra ra and da da da
- cut his first tooth this weekend!
I love him more then I can put into words! My world begins and ends with him. :)
Holy cow! I can't believe he is already 5 months.
5 months! Wow...he is a happy little boy!!
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