Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tis the Season

To be Jolly and a bit M.I.A. from the world. With all my time off and preparing for Christmas I have had very little time to blog or upload pictures. I have been spending some great one on one time with my little man and it's been wonderful. We have mostly just stuck close to home but ventured out to the Mall one day to just walk around. Cole is at the age that every new thing he sees is utterly amazing to him, he gets big eyes and starts squealing when he See's something he likes.

Cole experienced his first ride in the front of the cart at the grocery store sans car seat. And loved it! He couldn't stop looking around and flirting with the other shoppers. This is a huge change because up to now we had been using the infant car seat which we always brought it in with us. But since we have moved on to the big boy car seat this weekend things they be a changing. It's kinda of a weird feeling like I have lost my security blanket, the convenience and ease of the infant car seat are gone. So when Cole falls asleep in his new car seat and we get to our destination I have to wake him up. No more snapping the car seat to the stroller and off we go. Lets just say it seems like a lot more work! I'm sure I'll adjust and get use to this new way of travel for us. At least Cole seems to like his new digs, there is a lot more room and he's can see out the window.

OK enough rambling...I have presents to wrap and sweets to make.

Merry Christmas Everyone!


CarolinaCundiffs said...

Big boy car seat already!? Love your blog because it's a peak around the corner for what we are going to go through in a few weeks with G! We are leaving for SP today... Hope to see you guys and that adorable little boy!!

Linda said...

The picture is adorable! I think Austin will be out of his car seat before we know it!