You are 9 months Today! Holy Cow! I have officially started thinking about your first birthday. I promise to you that it will be a very laid back fun day for you, surrounded by loved ones. It may also include some fire works, bbq, Mickey Mouse and even a little bit of cake.
Here is what your up to these days;
* You weigh about 21.5 pounds
* You wear size 4 diapers
* Your in 12month clothing
* You now have 5 teeth. Two on the bottom and three on top.
* You seem to only want to feed yourself. The pureed food doesn't do it for you.
* You love REAL food, you have tried broccoli, grilled cheese, cheese quesadillas, peas,carrots, mashed potatoes,chicken, toast, banana, strawberries,pancakes,pasta and egg whites
* Your favorite snack is Graduates LiL Crunchies - Veggie Dip Flavor. If you see these out you have to have them. I have learned to hid these or else I will hear grunting from you.
* You have tried the Sippy cup but don't seem to care to much for it. You usually end up throwing to the ground after about 3 minutes.
* You say mama, dada, baba, ta ta,tis tis, nana and of course ahhhhhhhhh.
* When you get really excited about something you clap or swing your arms and kick your feet while you shout Tis Tis Tis.
* You are army crawling all over. If you want something you go for it.
* Your pulling yourself up and love to stand. You are gettting braver and braver trying to cruise.
* You have showed us your first dance moves! When music is playing or we sing, you wiggle your upper body and head. It's SO adorable.
* You love Roxy, she is your kitty cat. She is always near you and you just smile when you see her.
* Your a great sleeper, bedtime around 6:45pm and we come get you around 6:45am. You take 2 naps a day sometimes another small one near 5pm. All naps are in the crib.
* Bath Time is so fun for you, lots of smiles and splashing. You have ZERO fear of water.
* You love when daddy holds you and you both chase mommy around the house. It makes you belly laugh. Best Sound Ever.
* We have been reading you the same three bed time books for months now, but recently you now grab for your favorite one Sesame Street "Nighty Night". I wasn't sure at first if you were just grabbing but every night if were reading you anything else you reach for that book.
*Diaper Changes have become a challenge. You will not stay still long enough for us to wipe you and put a new diaper on. You roll over and try and crawl off the changing table.
I could go on on about how much I love you and never truly express how deep that love is. Its unconditional. Happy 9 months little Man! I Love You.

Of course he loves the water:-) happy 9 months, little buddy! You're becoming such a little man! Xo
9 months! Wow...I just can't believe it! He is SO adorable, and it certainly shows how much Mommy and Daddy love him!!
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