Today Little Man you turn 13 months old, wasn’t I just singing happy birthday to you?! This was a pretty busy month for you. Here are a few things you have been up to lately. About 2 weeks after your birthday you took your first steps. It’s amazing how quickly you learn new things…each day you move closer and closer to being a full out walker. I officially packed away all your bottles yesterday, we are strictly a Sippy cup household now. And wouldn’t you know it after trying out several different Sippy cups it was the cheapest simplest cup that you have taken a liking too. You are talking up a storm and point at everything and say this. Your very inquisitive about everything around you. Pointing out airplanes never gets old to you. You love to laugh and seem to go out of your way to get a laugh out of us. Playing chase around the house is your favorite game. You can point out your nose and eyes when Mommy or Daddy asks you too. You are still a picky eater, you flip flop everyday on what you will eat. You also enjoy the lovely game of throwing your food on the ground just to watch us pick it up. Oh man are you a clever little one. Your slightly obsessed with drinking apple juice especially if there is a straw involved. You are such a snuggler when it comes to your stuffed animals. Your all boy, playing rough, in the dirt or destroying anything is right up your alley. You have taken to using your drum sticks not only on the drums but on the walls. I can’t imagine it any other way…your full of energy! I love you little man!
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