Monday, January 23, 2012

Well that sucked

This morning is hard. Yesterday was even harder. But I have to put on my big girl pants and move on. If you are wondering what I’m talking about …the Ravens. The Patriots didn’t win that game…we lost it. And that’s all I have to say about it. Ugg.

Now on to the better part of my weekend. Saturday we woke up to snow. While it was only an inch it was just enough for Cole to go out and enjoy his first snow fall. We called up the neighbors and let the kids run around in the fun white stuff. Cole just lights up when he’s around older kids. Move over mom and dad. The cool people are here now. Ha. Snow and older kids to play with equals heaven for Cole.
My poor kid could barely move in all his snow gear but didn’t mind at all…even after he's third face plant…all I heard out of him were deep down belly laughs. It was awesome. Oh and guess my mom was right ...damn snow boots came in handy.
First Step in the Snow
On his was down again...he needed help getting up a lot.snow2
Cole playing with Reesesnow5
Chase in the snow
He fell over and couldn't stop this picture.
Eating Snow


All that fun is hard work...
Love the sweaty hair and rosy cheeks


Linda said...

Love the are quite the photog!

Let it B said...

I keep hearing Rascal Flatts, "what hurts the most, is being so close..." in my head and it will probably be there until September :(

Pics look awesome against the snowy background!