Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sun, Family, Friends and Green Beer!

Well like most people I’m seriously amazed by this weather we are having in MARCH. Best part… starting tomorrow I’m off work till Monday!!! Woohoo! My Five Day Birthday weekend will be in full effect! At least that’s what I’m calling it. Hubs not so much, “Sarah, your birthday is only one day”.Whatever. But he seems to be coming around to it ..in fact he has really stepped up this year!

What’s in store for this birthday girl…oh just a trip to the zoo, brunch, birthday celebration in Baltimore with some of my favorites and a hotel stay for the night! If you have never experienced Baltimore on St. Patty’s Day weekend (aka my birthday weekend) then you’re missing out! While I might be turning 30 something we will be living it up like 25 year olds sans child! I can’t wait! And as for the weather…Hubs claims he planned that too.Ha.

It’s just what this homegirl needs… lots of sunny weather, family, friends, green beer and maybe some cake!

Really how good does this look?! Yum.Yum.Yum.



Anonymous said...

I think Cam needs to pull off that cake too!

The Gearys said...

Yay for gorgeous weather during your birthday week, mama!
Also, cheers to tons of celebrations!!