So we set the world on fire. Yea so maybe were not that young but we sure did enjoy ourselves! Truth is the older I get the less and less I care about birthdays. I suppose its natural ,what’s so fun about turning 32?!
Well this year instead of the usual birthday dinner , Hubs pulled together a few friends and we headed out to Canton. St. Patty’s Day never disappoints. I seriously loved singing and dancing the evening away to some awesome live music. It really does something sweet to your soul. Just letting go. Enjoying the moment.
These girls made it one memorable birthday! I’m beyond grateful to have you all in my life.
I may have enjoyed the moment to much. The next day I paid dearly. Seems the older I get the harder it is to bounce back. But I wouldn’t trade that day for a minute!
We are grateful to have you in our lives too!! GREAT use of the song, definitely the theme of the night-such a blast!!
Fabulous time with great friends!!
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