Thursday, July 19, 2012

Baby Number 2 Details

I’m happy to finally be able to share details of baby number 2! This time around it already feels like it’s on warp speed, didn’t I just find out I was pregnant? After 9 LONG months of ttc it finally happened! I would like to say we did something different the month we conceived but it was just like every other month. There is no rhyme or reason why it happened. In fact that month I had finally taken action to get both Hubs and me checked out. 2 weeks after testing was done I found I was pregnant. Isn’t timing such a funny thing? If you have never experienced having trouble conceiving it’s hard to truly understand just how hard it can be. On both Hubs and me. With Cole we never went through any of that, this time around I learned a lot. This baby is a true blessing and I’m so grateful I get to experience this again.

When did you know? Well like anyone who has been ttc for a while you start to ignore the possible signs that you could be pregnant. I couldn’t bear the thought to think I might be pregnant every month then have AF arrive the next day. So the last few months of ttc, I vowed to myself I would not pee on a stick until I was at least a few days late.
Well two days late and no AF I actually started to let myself think there might be a chance. We put Cole to bed and were getting ready to go over our neighbors to hang out. I turned to Hubs and said I have to take a test…I was anxious …so was he. We both agreed that before heading over to our neighbors for some drinks I should probably go get a test just to be sure. So at 8:30pm I went to get a pregnancy test. As we stood together in the half bathroom waiting…man that minute felt like 10 minutes…for the second time in my life I saw the word YES! We both just screamed and hugged. I cried like a baby…

How far along? I’m 11 weeks, baby is due February 04, 2013.

How do I feel? We’ll let me state I’m beyond happy to be pregnant and would suffer just about anything to be. That said…this baby is kicking my ass! I’m tired ALL day long. I retreat to bed almost every night 10 minutes after putting Cole to bed. I have also been oh so lucky to experience morning sickness with this pregnancy. I’m not sure why they call it morning sickness … vomiting can occur at any time of the day. It’s awful. The only blessing is I don’t have it every day so that’s good.

How is the baby? We have had one ultrasound already and baby is good and healthy. Very strong HB, 182. That seems very fast to me.

Does Cole know? We framed a picture from the ultrasound and have been explaining to Cole that it’s his baby brother or sister. He seems to understand it’s a baby and when asked what mommy has in her belly he says baby. Do I think he really gets it…no not really.

Who else knew? We told our families the very next day…we went out that morning to grab a big brother shirt for Cole. My mom was quick to pick up on it and was so excited…my dad not so much...even after reading it to him we had to tell him I was pregnant. Really?! Men. We phoned the rest of our family and shared the good news! I also spilled the beans with a close group of friends right away. 

 Picture from that morning

What do you think it’s a boy or girl? Hubs is convinced it’s a girl. I think because how different this pregnancy has been. I’m not sure yet. I haven’t had that gut feeling yet to make a guess.

What I’m looking forward to? I’m counting the days down till second trimester. I’m hoping to find some relief just in time for our vacation in two weeks! 

I’m hoping to be able to blog more about this journey …well about anything really …just as soon as I feel up to it!     

1 comment:

Linda said...

Congrats! A girl for the brood...frilly clothes!!