So the plan was to start talking about how the paci fairy was coming soon to take away all his pacifiers. I said the paci fairy needs them for all the little babies who don’t have them. Hubs and me kept this up for a few weeks not really knowing ourselves when the paci fairy was going to come. Our goal had always been before Emery arrives. Well last week I just decided at nap time the day had come.
Did Cole get upset? yes but for only 5 seconds. I promised him a treat if he slept like a big boy without them. Homeboy bought in right away. He fell asleep within 10 min without his pacifier! Seriously?! When he woke he asked for his treat and was so proud of himself.
As a parent I have learned that your child can surprise the hell out of you. Transitions over the last few months with Cole have gone surprisingly smooth, it was my own fear that held us back not him. Do I think every transition will be this easy? No. But I’m willing to try and let Cole lead me to what’s right for him.
A week later, we are still no pacifiers with no tears or tantrums about them. In fact he rarely even asks about them. And when he does its pretty comical.
Cole: No paci’s?
Me: No the paci fairy came remember?
Cole: No mama, the cow fairy.
Me: oh yes the cow fairy, and she gave them to all the baby cows
Cole: I’m going to get that cow, and get my paci’s
Me: Well the babies need them (laughing crying as I say this)
Cole: OK mama
No joking. He even talked about bringing a rope to get the cow fairy. Ha. God love him and this age.
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