It hasn't been the easiest start for Em, soon after her birth they discovered she has hip dyspepsia As hard as it was to hear that diagnosis I'm beyond grateful it was caught so early. She has been seen by the amazing doctors at Johns Hopkins and was fitted with a harness that she will have to wear for the next 6 weeks. I think it's harder on Hubs and me to see her in it then it is for her. She seems to be unaffected by it and has been very easy going. In fact most nights she gives me 3 to 3.5 hour stretches and seems to snooze with ease beside her loud big brother on the couch.
The harness has defiantly made things challenging for us as parents, she's required to wear it 23 hours of the day. Changing her diapers and finding clothes that will work with the harness was a learning curve but we have got it under control now. I do miss having skin to skin with her. I keep telling myself things could be much worse. She could of needed surgery and a Spica cast. So we will make the best of it and count down the days till she is harness free!
Cole has been a great big brother, he's always concerned when she's crying and has showed nothing but love toward her. When its him, Emery and me he really does well. He calls us the three musketeers. My heart swoons. But we have seen him act a bit wild when other people come into the picture. He wants there attention and will act out a bit to get it. Its his personality to want to be the center of attention. So getting use to this all is an adjustment. I'm glad he doesn't show any anger toward Emery. He just wants he's attention. Slowly but surely I'm finding a way to juggle giving my time to each of them.
What Emery is up to these days-
- Is up most mornings from around 5am for a few hours then nods off and on till around 4 then she's out for night waking just to eat, be burped, and changed every 3 hours.
- Looks a lot like her big brother. Her eyes look more blue then Cole's did at this point.
-Loves the boppy lounger, a must have for new moms!
- Warming up to her pacifier
- Weighed in at 8 lbs 9 oz at 2 weeks. Home girl likes to eat!
- When she's hungry she starts moving her head and mouth around like a baby bird. Cue nickname by Hubs for her...Birdie.
- Smiles a lot, especially after night time feedings. I suppose at this point its from Gas but it's so cute!
- Likes the bouncy chairs, hates the swing. I'm not giving up on the swing just yet I'll try again after the harness is gone.
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