When I found out I was pregnant with you, I envisioned another little boy on the way. I was a boy mom already and loved it. Your brother stole my heart and I just loved the idea of another sweet little boy. I mean what was I missing out on with not having a girl? SO MUCH! You are the perfect addition to our family, your sweetness and adorable smiles bring so much joy to us all. Of course the obvious, I love having my little shopping buddy by my side and indulging in the baby girl clothing. The bows. The shoes. I get more excited dressing you than me. A bit crazy…yes I know. But really it’s just the difference in your personality it’s so girly already. And I love it! Of course I love you and your brother just the same and with all my heart it’s just two different special bonds. I’m so blessed to have you as my daughter.
Here’s what you’re up to these days…
-Love to sit and can do it for a while on your own. Such a strong little girl.
-Smile ALL the time
-If we lay you down on your back you roll within a seconds, you love rolling around.
-Speaking of rolling to your belly, you are now on all fours. I mean rocking on all fours. OMG! I don’t see you crawling just yet but I fear within the next month.
-LOVE standing in your jumper/exesaucer thing
-Hands are always in your mouth. Lots of drool but no sign of teeth can be seen.
-No words yet, lots of adorable baby babble
-Weighs in at 15lbs
-3-6 month and some 6 months clothing. Size 2 diaper.
-Has started solids in the past 3 weeks and is really digging it. One of your favorites is sweet potatoes.
-You eat solids twice a day and have four bottles each 6-7oz.
-You think everything your brother does is amazing and funny.
-Loves bath time
This month we finally figured out the whole sleeping thing. The day your turned 5 months (as recommended by your doctor) we turned the monitor volume down and let you figure out how to soothe yourself back to sleep at night. It was hard for me. The first night was the worst. 30 minutes. But you did it. And every night following got shorter and now not at all. We were obviously enabling you at night. Helping you sooth yourself. Cause within a week you were sleeping 12hrs straight all by yourself. This change is amazing for you and us! Your napping has improved as well. You are generally on 3 naps a day. Little girl you just needed some tough love to work it out on your own. Phewwww!
It’s hard to believe almost half a year has gone by already, things are moving so fast. I need a pause button. I love you sweet Emmy!
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