Thursday, September 26, 2013

Emery is 7 Months!


Since Emery will be 8 months next week I figured I better do a 7 month post before it’s too late. Mom fail. Let’s move on. This month went by faster than any month since Emery came into the world. Life these days is busy and we keep both kids on a very regular schedule which keeps us close to home. And I’m ok with that. I don’t want to wish these days away , because they are the ones we will always remember. All of us together making memories, Emery has certainly made this family whole. She is a very happy little girl and I love watching her grow. My sweet little girl I love you more and more with each beat of my heart.


Here's what she's up to these days,

- Is eating 4 bottles a day, and three meals a day!

- Weighs in at 16 lbs 5 oz (at 7 months 3 weeks)

- She’s a little peanut, depending on what brand it ranges from 3-6 months, 6 months and some 9months (carters).

- Is sleeping from 6:45pm to 6:30am.

- Is taking three naps. One short one early morning, One mid-morning and then one late afternoon.

- She is wearing size 3 diapers (target brand)

- Is on the move at all times. Crawling , pulling up and even some cruising . She does not like to be held very long. She’s little miss independent and most content when she can move all around.

- Can say Dada and lots of squeals




- Greets everyone she knows with a huge smile. She is defiantly more hesitant around strangers than her brother was at this age.

- Everything is inserted into her mouth.

- Loves being naked and bath time.

- We started finger foods, hands down favorite thing is cheerios. Still working on mastering to get other foods in her mouth.




- She is so inquisitive and really takes in all that is going on around her. She's soaking up the world around her like a sponge. Especially whatever her brother does.

- Loves to interact with her brother. Whenever Cole gives her direct attention she just smiles and laughs. He is hands down her favorite person.

- Enjoys reading as long as she can touch the book.

-Loves the kitty cats. She is always trying to pet them and chase them.

- Her hair is really starting to come in and its blond.

- I'm guilty of calling her Em all the time. Cole does too as well as Emmy. Dada still calls her Emery.

- Still has only two teeth but the drooling has picked up again so I think we have some more coming.


Emery we are so proud of your accomplishments be it they are small you my girl will move mountains. When you were diagnosed with hip dysplasia and put into a brace till 3 months old we just figured you would be a bit behind physically, well you have shown us sweet heart to never assume. You can do anything my dear and I believe it!

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