I found this Wives’ Tale Survey and thought I’d test it out, since pretty soon (FRIDAY)we will know for sure whether if it's is a boy or girl. I was feeling boy during my first trimester then girl and now I'm thinking boy again. I feel like I have no idea anymore!
Boy or Girl? 21 Old Wives’ Tales That May Tell You
**Sleep Position**
Pay attention to which way you lay down in bed tonight. If you prefer sleeping on your left side, you’ll have a boy. Right side? You’re pregnant with a girl.
BOY- when I first lay down I prefer to sleep on my left side. But I do toss & turn from my left to right throughout the night.
**Upset Stomach**
Little girls aren’t always sweet. Extreme nausea means you are having a daughter.
GIRL- but it wasn't to bad
**Soft or Dry Hands**
If your hands are dry during pregnancy, you are having a boy; soft—expect a girl.
BOY- dry but it's that time of the year when all skin is dry.
**Food Cravings**
Your favorite pregnancy foods may tell you what sex the baby is. If you’re craving citrus while pregnant, you’re having a girl.
BOY- While I do love OJ baby Shinaberry won't even let me take more then two sips of it. :(
**Adult Acne**
If altering hormones makes your skin break out, expect a girl.
GIRL- breakouts around my chin- gross!
**Graceful or Clumsy Pregnancy**
If you feel as though you’re gliding through they day, you’ll have a girl. Stumbling? It’s a boy.
GIRL- While I don't think Graceful would describe my movements I don't feel like I'm stumbling or clumsy.
**Face Weight Gain**
If your face gets fuller, it means you’re having a girl.
BOY- While I have always had a fuller face...I don't believe the weight gain has taken effect in my face! Thank goodness :)
**Sugar and Spice Food Cravings**
Craving salt during pregnancy? Potato chips, pretzels, and popcorn means a boy is on the way. Need a little something sweet? Ice cream, chocolate, and candy means you’re having a girl.
GIRL- Ice cream, candy, cheesecake, milkshakes and Chocolate!
**Mood Changes**
If you’re experiencing pregnant mood-swings, expect a baby girl to arrive soon.
GIRL- I have mood swings and thank goodness Cam understands :)
**High or Low Pregnant Belly**
If you’re carrying the baby low on your stomach, expect a boy. If it’s high, you’re having a girl.
GIRL- - bump just really popped last week but it seems high.
**Baby Weight**
If you’re carrying baby in front, it’s a boy. Is the baby weight spaced all around your middle? It’s a girl.
GIRL- Weight gain is all around in my Belly, Hips and Thighs...oh yippee!
**Pendulum Test**
Dangle a chain with a charm over your palm. If it swings back and forth: boy. In a circle: girl.
Neutral- it went both ways
**Model Your Hands“Show me your hands.” **
If you would hold your hands palms up it’s a girl. Down? You’re having a boy.
**Toddler Advice**
Get baby advice from a nephew or friend’s little boy. If a toddler boy shows interest in your belly, you’ll have a girl. If he ignores you, it’s a boy.
Neutral- I have no one to try this with!
**Eat Garlic**
Guess the baby’s sex by eating garlic. If the smell seeps out of your pores it’s a boy. If there’s no scent it’s a little girl.
**Key to Pregnancy**
If you pick up a key by the round end, you’re having a boy. If it’s by the long end? A girl.
**Even and Odd Numbers**
If your age and year of conception are both even or odd, it’s girl. One even, one odd means a boy.
GIRL- 29, 2009
**Baby’s Heartbeat**
If the baby’s heart beats more than 150 times per minute, you’re pregnant with a girl. Less than 150, it’s a boy.
GIRL- it’s always been between 150- 160
**Stress Test**
A child tends to be of the same sex as the parent who is less stressed at the time of conception.
GIRL- Going to have to go with Cam being more stressed. :)
**Dream Meanings**
If you dream about having a girl while pregnant, you will wind up having a boy and vice versa.
BOY- but I have had a dream about having a boy as well. Not as much as a girl.
**Breast Size**
If your right breast is larger than the left while pregnant, you are having a girl. If the left is larger, it’s a baby boy.
GIRL- I think? There both huge!
GIRL- 13
BOY- 6
Neutral- 2
What are your guesses???
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
17 weeks and Counting...
17 weeks! I have now officially entered into my fifth month of pregnancy! Time is just flying by and I can only imagine the next 160 days will too!
I'm happy to report that I'm feeling pretty awesome these days. Besides the ever growing belly and legs there are times throughout the day I forget all together that I'm pregnant. I have however started to crave chocolate after dinner every night :) This is very new to me I have never had a sweet tooth so I give into my/baby needs with a few Hershey kisses but besides that no crazy food consumption as of yet. I'm sure it will come at some point in the next 8 weeks since this will be when I gain most and baby Shinaberry will double and triple in size!
Last night after dinner I was laying down and felt this kinda butterflies fluttering feeling on my right side. I know it was not gas and not hunger pains ...it was my baby! I was so excited! I can't wait till this happens all the time it is such a great feeling to know your little one is in there and is doing good. :)
I can't put into words how anxious and excited I'm to find out if we are having a girl or boy. I have had the some crazy dreams these past few days, both have been about a girl and boy. Supposedly this is very normal due to all the pregnancy hormones in me. Either way I'm excited to put a name to he or she, to start thinking about nursery ideas and buy baby stuff! We decided we wouldn't buy anything till we found out the sex of the baby so I will be going crazy in February! Yippee!
Week 17 and two days!

How far along? 17 Weeks and 2 days!
Total weight gain/loss: 9.5 lbs...about a pound a week since week 12
Maternity Clothes? All pants/Some Shirts (My Mom has let me borrow some of her shirts for work :))
Stretch Marks? nope
Sleep? Very good these days :)
Best moment this week: Picking out the Crib we want for Baby Shinaberry!
Movement? Yep!
Food Cravings: Chocolate and anything sweet these days...
Gender: I going with Girl , Cam has switched to boy this week.. Ha :)
Belly Button in or out? In
What I am looking forward to: Finding out if Baby Shinaberry is a boy or girl next Friday!
I'm happy to report that I'm feeling pretty awesome these days. Besides the ever growing belly and legs there are times throughout the day I forget all together that I'm pregnant. I have however started to crave chocolate after dinner every night :) This is very new to me I have never had a sweet tooth so I give into my/baby needs with a few Hershey kisses but besides that no crazy food consumption as of yet. I'm sure it will come at some point in the next 8 weeks since this will be when I gain most and baby Shinaberry will double and triple in size!
Last night after dinner I was laying down and felt this kinda butterflies fluttering feeling on my right side. I know it was not gas and not hunger pains ...it was my baby! I was so excited! I can't wait till this happens all the time it is such a great feeling to know your little one is in there and is doing good. :)
I can't put into words how anxious and excited I'm to find out if we are having a girl or boy. I have had the some crazy dreams these past few days, both have been about a girl and boy. Supposedly this is very normal due to all the pregnancy hormones in me. Either way I'm excited to put a name to he or she, to start thinking about nursery ideas and buy baby stuff! We decided we wouldn't buy anything till we found out the sex of the baby so I will be going crazy in February! Yippee!
Week 17 and two days!
How far along? 17 Weeks and 2 days!
Total weight gain/loss: 9.5 lbs...about a pound a week since week 12
Maternity Clothes? All pants/Some Shirts (My Mom has let me borrow some of her shirts for work :))
Stretch Marks? nope
Sleep? Very good these days :)
Best moment this week: Picking out the Crib we want for Baby Shinaberry!
Movement? Yep!
Food Cravings: Chocolate and anything sweet these days...
Gender: I going with Girl , Cam has switched to boy this week.. Ha :)
Belly Button in or out? In
What I am looking forward to: Finding out if Baby Shinaberry is a boy or girl next Friday!
Monday, January 4, 2010
15 week update!
We are back from Mexico and all ready for 2010! I'm officially 15 weeks pregnant and starting to see a bump :). Our baby is now the size of an apple...oh how i love apples!
My second trimester while only 3 weeks into it has been going pretty good, I have a lot more energy and my sickness has gone away. The only real complaint would have to be indigestion pretty much after every meal I eat. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat fruit or french fries or bread it's always soon to follow.
We had our NT Scan at week 12 that checks for down syndrome or any genetic disorders. Thankfully baby Shinaberry shows no signs of any problems! We couldn't believe in just 2 weeks from our last ultrasound that the baby had grown so much! When the tech started the screening the baby looked to be sleeping in about 3 seconds the baby started kicking away! In what I can best describe to you as an invert yoga position! Legs straight up and kicking away! I can't wait for the week 18ultrasound!!!
How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 7lbs
Maternity Clothes? One pair of jeans that have elastic...there for the in between real jeans and maternity jeans.
Stretch Marks? nope
Sleep? much better these days...peeing only 2 to 3 times a night!
Best moment this week: First belly shots taken!
Movement? not yet
Food Cravings: Meat!
Gender: I keep flipping back and forth..today Girl
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Champagne on New Years :(
What I am looking forward to: Is it to early to countdown till we find out the sex?!? 24 days!
Weekly Wisdom: When flying in your second trimester always take seconds when it comes to free on plane snacks! Or you may feel like causing bodily harm to the flight attendants.
Here is a picture of Baby Shinaberry at week 12

Week 15 Belly Shot
My second trimester while only 3 weeks into it has been going pretty good, I have a lot more energy and my sickness has gone away. The only real complaint would have to be indigestion pretty much after every meal I eat. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat fruit or french fries or bread it's always soon to follow.
We had our NT Scan at week 12 that checks for down syndrome or any genetic disorders. Thankfully baby Shinaberry shows no signs of any problems! We couldn't believe in just 2 weeks from our last ultrasound that the baby had grown so much! When the tech started the screening the baby looked to be sleeping in about 3 seconds the baby started kicking away! In what I can best describe to you as an invert yoga position! Legs straight up and kicking away! I can't wait for the week 18ultrasound!!!
How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 7lbs
Maternity Clothes? One pair of jeans that have elastic...there for the in between real jeans and maternity jeans.
Stretch Marks? nope
Sleep? much better these days...peeing only 2 to 3 times a night!
Best moment this week: First belly shots taken!
Movement? not yet
Food Cravings: Meat!
Gender: I keep flipping back and forth..today Girl
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Champagne on New Years :(
What I am looking forward to: Is it to early to countdown till we find out the sex?!? 24 days!
Weekly Wisdom: When flying in your second trimester always take seconds when it comes to free on plane snacks! Or you may feel like causing bodily harm to the flight attendants.
Here is a picture of Baby Shinaberry at week 12

Week 15 Belly Shot
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