My second trimester while only 3 weeks into it has been going pretty good, I have a lot more energy and my sickness has gone away. The only real complaint would have to be indigestion pretty much after every meal I eat. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat fruit or french fries or bread it's always soon to follow.
We had our NT Scan at week 12 that checks for down syndrome or any genetic disorders. Thankfully baby Shinaberry shows no signs of any problems! We couldn't believe in just 2 weeks from our last ultrasound that the baby had grown so much! When the tech started the screening the baby looked to be sleeping in about 3 seconds the baby started kicking away! In what I can best describe to you as an invert yoga position! Legs straight up and kicking away! I can't wait for the week 18ultrasound!!!
How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 7lbs
Maternity Clothes? One pair of jeans that have elastic...there for the in between real jeans and maternity jeans.
Stretch Marks? nope
Sleep? much better these days...peeing only 2 to 3 times a night!
Best moment this week: First belly shots taken!
Movement? not yet
Food Cravings: Meat!
Gender: I keep flipping back and Girl
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Champagne on New Years :(
What I am looking forward to: Is it to early to countdown till we find out the sex?!? 24 days!
Weekly Wisdom: When flying in your second trimester always take seconds when it comes to free on plane snacks! Or you may feel like causing bodily harm to the flight attendants.
Here is a picture of Baby Shinaberry at week 12

Week 15 Belly Shot
What a cute little bump!
I love both pictures! Can't wait until we can call that apple he or she instead:-)
Awww so cute!! I am in agreement with you, I think there's a little Addison in your tummy :)
So cute. Seeing the "bump" makes it a little more real! I think Tums make their money on the pregnant ladies..I ate them all day long!!
Yay! Keep taking the belly pics!
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