I'm happy to report that I'm feeling pretty awesome these days. Besides the ever growing belly and legs there are times throughout the day I forget all together that I'm pregnant. I have however started to crave chocolate after dinner every night :) This is very new to me I have never had a sweet tooth so I give into my/baby needs with a few Hershey kisses but besides that no crazy food consumption as of yet. I'm sure it will come at some point in the next 8 weeks since this will be when I gain most and baby Shinaberry will double and triple in size!
Last night after dinner I was laying down and felt this kinda butterflies fluttering feeling on my right side. I know it was not gas and not hunger pains ...it was my baby! I was so excited! I can't wait till this happens all the time it is such a great feeling to know your little one is in there and is doing good. :)
I can't put into words how anxious and excited I'm to find out if we are having a girl or boy. I have had the some crazy dreams these past few days, both have been about a girl and boy. Supposedly this is very normal due to all the pregnancy hormones in me. Either way I'm excited to put a name to he or she, to start thinking about nursery ideas and buy baby stuff! We decided we wouldn't buy anything till we found out the sex of the baby so I will be going crazy in February! Yippee!
Week 17 and two days!
How far along? 17 Weeks and 2 days!
Total weight gain/loss: 9.5 lbs...about a pound a week since week 12
Maternity Clothes? All pants/Some Shirts (My Mom has let me borrow some of her shirts for work :))
Stretch Marks? nope
Sleep? Very good these days :)
Best moment this week: Picking out the Crib we want for Baby Shinaberry!
Movement? Yep!
Food Cravings: Chocolate and anything sweet these days...
Gender: I going with Girl , Cam has switched to boy this week.. Ha :)
Belly Button in or out? In
What I am looking forward to: Finding out if Baby Shinaberry is a boy or girl next Friday!
I can't believe how much your bump has changed since the last update. How exciting!
I love the flutters! Wait until Cam feels Baby Shin for the 1st time!!!!!!! XO
Look out baby stores when your Mom finds out girl or boy!! Cant wait to hear!
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