How far along? 30 weeks
Baby's weight: Cole is around 3 to 3.5 lbs!
Stretch Marks? My boobs are not suppose to be this big, so now I'm paying the price! :( But thankfully nowhere else has been blessed with these love marks from Cole!
Sleep? Well hard to answer, I have been sick for about a week now and the whole sleeping thing just hasn't worked out for me. Last night was the first time I actually got a decent amount of sleep! But baby wise, I'm doing pretty good!
Best moment this week: Sister's Wedding with baby Cole along for the party!
Movement? Yes, major movement. I still get the occasional jab but now it's more like whole body movements. He can take my breath away when he moves so quick! Cam has witnessed this and is in absolute amazement.
Food Cravings: Not really...Crunchy chips, sourdough bread and well any kind of carbs...
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? barely in
What I am looking forward to: Child Birthing Classes! Should be very interesting...
Weekly Wisdom: Try not to take to many pictures of yourself straight on...it can be scary!
You look great! I placed an order on old navy today and I actually ordered that same shirt! Love the color!
You're so cute!! Can you believe how quickly time is passing by??
You look fantastic! I can't wait to meet that little man:-)Just under 10 weeks:-)
You are on the final countdown! I am sure you and Courtenay will be a big help to Kim when little Austin makes his arrival!
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