So today we had are 3D ultrasound in Annapolis at Baby to Be Images! It was a family affair with both of our parents and my sister who surprised us from Richmond! It was great, the viewing room was large and sat up to 10 people with cozy couches and chairs and a huge screen on the wall for everyone to see baby Cole. Thankfully Cole cooperated and posed for us all! We were able to get around 70 shots of him, the Tech said usually they can get around 30-50 good ones but my little man was more then happy to show off his face! He really seems to like his feet close to him, most of the time right up by his face.:) I highly recommend it to any pregnant lady while it only gives you a small glimpse it was pretty awesome! And of course the debates have begun, after taking a look at both Cam and Me's baby pictures it's pretty clear he has my nose and Cam's mouth & chin area. He's is just the cutest thing I have ever seen and can't wait to hold him in about 12 weeks!
We had so many pictures to share so I tried my hand at photo shop, here are a few!

I am amazed at how great you can see him! I cant wait til its our turn with Ervy! I know Gail and Vikki musst have had tears!
It's so amazing that you can see him so clearly!
Wow this is incredible! Can't wait to see the cutie in person.
So flippin amazing! I cannot wait to meet him in real life:-)
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