Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
And So It Begins
Child Proofing. I don't even know where to start but it seems there is now a need for it. On Mondays my Dad watches Cole, yesterday my Dad discovered that things they be a changing.....
Like most Mondays Cole was playing in the family room with his toys. My dad decided to go to the kitchen which is adjacent to the family room to get a glass of water. When he returned 20 seconds later, Cole had crawled over to the entertainment center and was in the process of putting every DVD they owned onto the floor. My dad couldn't believe on how fast Cole had moved and proceed to put all the DVDs away and closed the cabinet door. Still shaking his head in disbelief on how fast Cole had crawled over to the DVDs he quickly went back in to the Kitchen to get his glass, my Dad swears to me it was no more then 10 seconds that had passed when he returned and Cole had crawled over to a house plant and taken a handful of dirt and inserted it into his mouth! Every time I think about it I laugh. I can only imagine my dad's reaction of panic/shock when he saw the dirt and Cole sitting there with a quisitive look on his face and a mouthful of dirt falling out.
And so it Begins, I'm sure it won't be the last time he eats dirt. :)
Like most Mondays Cole was playing in the family room with his toys. My dad decided to go to the kitchen which is adjacent to the family room to get a glass of water. When he returned 20 seconds later, Cole had crawled over to the entertainment center and was in the process of putting every DVD they owned onto the floor. My dad couldn't believe on how fast Cole had moved and proceed to put all the DVDs away and closed the cabinet door. Still shaking his head in disbelief on how fast Cole had crawled over to the DVDs he quickly went back in to the Kitchen to get his glass, my Dad swears to me it was no more then 10 seconds that had passed when he returned and Cole had crawled over to a house plant and taken a handful of dirt and inserted it into his mouth! Every time I think about it I laugh. I can only imagine my dad's reaction of panic/shock when he saw the dirt and Cole sitting there with a quisitive look on his face and a mouthful of dirt falling out.
And so it Begins, I'm sure it won't be the last time he eats dirt. :)
Monday, March 28, 2011
9 Months
You are 9 months Today! Holy Cow! I have officially started thinking about your first birthday. I promise to you that it will be a very laid back fun day for you, surrounded by loved ones. It may also include some fire works, bbq, Mickey Mouse and even a little bit of cake.
Here is what your up to these days;
* You weigh about 21.5 pounds
* You wear size 4 diapers
* Your in 12month clothing
* You now have 5 teeth. Two on the bottom and three on top.
* You seem to only want to feed yourself. The pureed food doesn't do it for you.
* You love REAL food, you have tried broccoli, grilled cheese, cheese quesadillas, peas,carrots, mashed potatoes,chicken, toast, banana, strawberries,pancakes,pasta and egg whites
* Your favorite snack is Graduates LiL Crunchies - Veggie Dip Flavor. If you see these out you have to have them. I have learned to hid these or else I will hear grunting from you.
* You have tried the Sippy cup but don't seem to care to much for it. You usually end up throwing to the ground after about 3 minutes.
* You say mama, dada, baba, ta ta,tis tis, nana and of course ahhhhhhhhh.
* When you get really excited about something you clap or swing your arms and kick your feet while you shout Tis Tis Tis.
* You are army crawling all over. If you want something you go for it.
* Your pulling yourself up and love to stand. You are gettting braver and braver trying to cruise.
* You have showed us your first dance moves! When music is playing or we sing, you wiggle your upper body and head. It's SO adorable.
* You love Roxy, she is your kitty cat. She is always near you and you just smile when you see her.
* Your a great sleeper, bedtime around 6:45pm and we come get you around 6:45am. You take 2 naps a day sometimes another small one near 5pm. All naps are in the crib.
* Bath Time is so fun for you, lots of smiles and splashing. You have ZERO fear of water.
* You love when daddy holds you and you both chase mommy around the house. It makes you belly laugh. Best Sound Ever.
* We have been reading you the same three bed time books for months now, but recently you now grab for your favorite one Sesame Street "Nighty Night". I wasn't sure at first if you were just grabbing but every night if were reading you anything else you reach for that book.
*Diaper Changes have become a challenge. You will not stay still long enough for us to wipe you and put a new diaper on. You roll over and try and crawl off the changing table.
I could go on on about how much I love you and never truly express how deep that love is. Its unconditional. Happy 9 months little Man! I Love You.

You are 9 months Today! Holy Cow! I have officially started thinking about your first birthday. I promise to you that it will be a very laid back fun day for you, surrounded by loved ones. It may also include some fire works, bbq, Mickey Mouse and even a little bit of cake.
Here is what your up to these days;
* You weigh about 21.5 pounds
* You wear size 4 diapers
* Your in 12month clothing
* You now have 5 teeth. Two on the bottom and three on top.
* You seem to only want to feed yourself. The pureed food doesn't do it for you.
* You love REAL food, you have tried broccoli, grilled cheese, cheese quesadillas, peas,carrots, mashed potatoes,chicken, toast, banana, strawberries,pancakes,pasta and egg whites
* Your favorite snack is Graduates LiL Crunchies - Veggie Dip Flavor. If you see these out you have to have them. I have learned to hid these or else I will hear grunting from you.
* You have tried the Sippy cup but don't seem to care to much for it. You usually end up throwing to the ground after about 3 minutes.
* You say mama, dada, baba, ta ta,tis tis, nana and of course ahhhhhhhhh.
* When you get really excited about something you clap or swing your arms and kick your feet while you shout Tis Tis Tis.
* You are army crawling all over. If you want something you go for it.
* Your pulling yourself up and love to stand. You are gettting braver and braver trying to cruise.
* You have showed us your first dance moves! When music is playing or we sing, you wiggle your upper body and head. It's SO adorable.
* You love Roxy, she is your kitty cat. She is always near you and you just smile when you see her.
* Your a great sleeper, bedtime around 6:45pm and we come get you around 6:45am. You take 2 naps a day sometimes another small one near 5pm. All naps are in the crib.
* Bath Time is so fun for you, lots of smiles and splashing. You have ZERO fear of water.
* You love when daddy holds you and you both chase mommy around the house. It makes you belly laugh. Best Sound Ever.
* We have been reading you the same three bed time books for months now, but recently you now grab for your favorite one Sesame Street "Nighty Night". I wasn't sure at first if you were just grabbing but every night if were reading you anything else you reach for that book.
*Diaper Changes have become a challenge. You will not stay still long enough for us to wipe you and put a new diaper on. You roll over and try and crawl off the changing table.
I could go on on about how much I love you and never truly express how deep that love is. Its unconditional. Happy 9 months little Man! I Love You.

Friday, March 25, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
On the move
Now that Cole seems to have mastered pulling up, he wants to do it ALL the time. He is on the move...pulling up, pulling up then crusing, army crawling and rolling. I believe we are about to enter a new moblie phase. Folks I'm a little nervous about this happening. Not only is it exhausting to have a child ALWAYS on the move but this means my little man is getting older. I knew this was bound to happen but it makes my heart ache a little. Time is flying by and I just want it to SLOW DOWN.
I suppose every mother feels this way at one time or another. I feel such joy watching him accomplish new things and with each new thing he learns he's becoming more independent. I'm going from having a baby to having a todler. Crazy stuff.

I suppose every mother feels this way at one time or another. I feel such joy watching him accomplish new things and with each new thing he learns he's becoming more independent. I'm going from having a baby to having a todler. Crazy stuff.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Welcome to Teething
Well we had it easy a couple months back when Cole's two bottom teeth came in, I mean he only woke up one time at night a little fussy and nothing more. This time around his two top teeth are causing him some serious pain. My little man is fussy, irritable, restless and even his appetite is gone. Its disrupted his nap time and I can only pray that it doesn't wake him at night.He's chewing on everything in site looking for some mild relief. I have chilled teething rings but they don't seem to be much help. Any suggestions?! Please! I just hope these two big chompers quickly come in and my happy baby returns!

Even with all the pain I was able to coax a smile out of him! Hot Dog Hot Dog Hot Diggity Dog does it every time!

Yes I dance around singing this song to my son. What can I say I'll do pretty much anything to make him happy!
Even with all the pain I was able to coax a smile out of him! Hot Dog Hot Dog Hot Diggity Dog does it every time!
Yes I dance around singing this song to my son. What can I say I'll do pretty much anything to make him happy!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Friday Films
I took this on my phone and have no idea how to edit it. So don't mind the end, I had no clue I still had the camera going. :) Happy Friday!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Little Grandpa
This past weekend my Little Grandpa passed away. I'm glad he is in a better place now and is not suffering. He led a long and happy life and will be greatly missed.

I'm flying up to Massachusetts for the Funeral with Cole tomorrow. I'm a little nervous about the plane ride. I'm planning on packing an arsenal of toys and snacks to keep him entertained. I'll let you know how it goes.
Friday, March 11, 2011

Progress has been made.Over the last two weeks I have kept up with my workouts and I'm finally starting to see some results. While there hasn't been any huge weight loss, the number on the scale has gone down and my clothes are fitting better. Last night I decided to try on my pre-pregnancy jeans...last time I did this I about cried cause I could barely button them but folks this is no more! Not only did they fit they were not skin tight! I danced around in them all over my bedroom while Hubs watched in disbelief that fitting into my jeans could make me so happy! Man who would have thought that actually working out consistently would help my lose weight?! Insert sarcastic smile here.
Its just the motivation I needed to keep working out. To keep making an effort to get healthy. Right now I workout three times a week, each workout I run about 2.5 miles and lift weights after. I would love to go four times a week but that would mean weekend workouts. And lets be honest, I NEVER workout on the weekends. The weekends I just try my best to not eat to bad and limit the glasses of wine to 2. For now I'm OK with that. One small step forward.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Neighborhood Playgroup
This Saturday we will be attending a neighborhood preschool playgroup. My neighbor had the genius idea about bringing the young families of our Neighborhood together, to create a platform and a network for working and stay-at-home moms alike to grow the "family" atmosphere of the neighborhood. The idea is it will be something that will foster age-based playgroups, holiday gathering for kiddie fun and a communication network to keep the kids safe and information flowing.
As a working mom it is hard to find the time to get involved in these sort of activates so I'm beyond grateful that my neighbor came up with this idea. I'm uber excited to get Cole and Me out there in our community and make some new friends.
Making new friends is not something that always comes easy to me. I'm not socially incapable of it I just have zero follow through. I get stuck in my old comfy ways of doing the same things which limits me from branching out and getting to know new people. But these feelings have changed some since Cole, I want to give him all the opportunities I can. I want him to meet new people, be able to experience new things and be able to play with children his age. So hopefully this weekend I will be turning over a new leaf and welcoming the possible new opportunities coming to both Cole and me.
As a working mom it is hard to find the time to get involved in these sort of activates so I'm beyond grateful that my neighbor came up with this idea. I'm uber excited to get Cole and Me out there in our community and make some new friends.
Making new friends is not something that always comes easy to me. I'm not socially incapable of it I just have zero follow through. I get stuck in my old comfy ways of doing the same things which limits me from branching out and getting to know new people. But these feelings have changed some since Cole, I want to give him all the opportunities I can. I want him to meet new people, be able to experience new things and be able to play with children his age. So hopefully this weekend I will be turning over a new leaf and welcoming the possible new opportunities coming to both Cole and me.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Part Time Care
This past week we started looking around for part time care for Cole. Currently Cole has been spending two days a week with a friend that lives in the neighborhood. I have known her since she was about 7yrs old so it never felt like my child was in the hands of a stranger. Which has been perfect. She has an amazing little 2yrs old boy who is full of personality and Cole just loves to be around him. They have been looking to expand there family but have come across many challenges. However it finally looks like there prayers have been answered. This summer they will be adopting 2 boys from Africa. They are siblings around the ages of 3 and 5. I'm beyond happy for them! This however means that we need to find someone new to watch Cole.
Formal Daycare is outrageous, the price alone can makes me feel nauseous but the idea that I would have to pay for full time care even if my son only goes two days makes me feel like someone just punched me in the gut. I'm no fool there must be better options out there?! Right?
And I think we may have found it, there's a wonderful website that offers you a chance to connect with sitters, Nanny's, pet sitters and adult care takers.They even check backgrounds and references for you too. Its a very helpful tool to connect you with so many people in your area. And since we only need part time care it isn't to going cost us an arm and leg for it either. I posted a job post this week not knowing what to expect and received 17 applicants in 2 days! It was seriously shocking to us, the majority of these women were very impressive. We truly didn't count on such an amazing reaction to the post or that these women were ready to start right away. We have decided to wait till there is set date for the adaption to be finalized to really pursue in finding someone for Cole.
Some weight has been lifted and I now know that there are many options out there...I just need to be open to them!
Formal Daycare is outrageous, the price alone can makes me feel nauseous but the idea that I would have to pay for full time care even if my son only goes two days makes me feel like someone just punched me in the gut. I'm no fool there must be better options out there?! Right?
And I think we may have found it, there's a wonderful website that offers you a chance to connect with sitters, Nanny's, pet sitters and adult care takers.They even check backgrounds and references for you too. Its a very helpful tool to connect you with so many people in your area. And since we only need part time care it isn't to going cost us an arm and leg for it either. I posted a job post this week not knowing what to expect and received 17 applicants in 2 days! It was seriously shocking to us, the majority of these women were very impressive. We truly didn't count on such an amazing reaction to the post or that these women were ready to start right away. We have decided to wait till there is set date for the adaption to be finalized to really pursue in finding someone for Cole.
Some weight has been lifted and I now know that there are many options out there...I just need to be open to them!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Naps, Food, Drinks and Animal Noises!
The title pretty much sums up my weekend. Two of my favorite NCSU girls made there way north to visit us. We had a play date at the Ervick's house that included naps, food and lots of playing around. Katie and Amber were great sports and seemed to enjoy the controlled chaos that ensues when you have 3 young children get together.
Austin & Cole

So we of course had to do a photo shoot of the boys and mamas.

Can you tell how excited I'm...let me explain the gummy grin I'm sporting. When you have a young child it takes some real effort to get them to look into the camera. On this particular day the husbands were the photographers while the mamas sat with the two little ones on there laps. Then the craziness ensued. The husbands were whistling, singing, making animal noises and shaking rattles all in an effort to get the two little ones to look at them. There were objects falling off the coffee table as they came in for close up shots. At one point I shouted out to Hubs "Bark like a dog" in which Hubs did just that! Laughter filled the room, Amber and Katie couldn't believe what they were witnessing. And the two little ones looked at all of us like we had lost our minds.
Thankfully we were able to get some great shots of all of us. And us ladies got a chance to hit the town that night just like old times!
Amber and Katie with the boys.

Austin & Cole

So we of course had to do a photo shoot of the boys and mamas.

Can you tell how excited I'm...let me explain the gummy grin I'm sporting. When you have a young child it takes some real effort to get them to look into the camera. On this particular day the husbands were the photographers while the mamas sat with the two little ones on there laps. Then the craziness ensued. The husbands were whistling, singing, making animal noises and shaking rattles all in an effort to get the two little ones to look at them. There were objects falling off the coffee table as they came in for close up shots. At one point I shouted out to Hubs "Bark like a dog" in which Hubs did just that! Laughter filled the room, Amber and Katie couldn't believe what they were witnessing. And the two little ones looked at all of us like we had lost our minds.
Thankfully we were able to get some great shots of all of us. And us ladies got a chance to hit the town that night just like old times!
Amber and Katie with the boys.

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