Like most Mondays Cole was playing in the family room with his toys. My dad decided to go to the kitchen which is adjacent to the family room to get a glass of water. When he returned 20 seconds later, Cole had crawled over to the entertainment center and was in the process of putting every DVD they owned onto the floor. My dad couldn't believe on how fast Cole had moved and proceed to put all the DVDs away and closed the cabinet door. Still shaking his head in disbelief on how fast Cole had crawled over to the DVDs he quickly went back in to the Kitchen to get his glass, my Dad swears to me it was no more then 10 seconds that had passed when he returned and Cole had crawled over to a house plant and taken a handful of dirt and inserted it into his mouth! Every time I think about it I laugh. I can only imagine my dad's reaction of panic/shock when he saw the dirt and Cole sitting there with a quisitive look on his face and a mouthful of dirt falling out.
And so it Begins, I'm sure it won't be the last time he eats dirt. :)
Child proofing is not so bad. We found that our house was already partially done because of the cats. They eat plants and knock over breakables so those things were already taken care of. An easy way to do it is to just put stuff up high. Who cares if he gets into your pots and pans as long as your chemicals are ubove the sink?
I guess he didn't mention that even though he just finished his jar of food, he would NOT ley Poppy eat his sandwich without sharing!! Don't worry, only the toasted bread, not the BBQ..
Hilarious! I guess I need to start looking into childproofing as well.
They are quick!
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