We have been dealing with some food issues here at the Shinaberry house, over the past few weeks it seems Cole has regressed when it comes to eating finger foods. Things he would eat before he no longer will eat. He takes about 3 bites then pushes it away from him. Its a whole dramatic sweep of the arm while giving me the stink eye and babbling loudly. This can only be translated to mean one thing ...lady get that crap away from me!Ugg. It's not everything but its becoming a huge challenge for me to find something he will eat enough of and doesn't cause me to stress that's he's going starve.
Last night after I had made my fifth attempt at trying to find something he would eat that wasn't fruit or bread, I pulled out the Gerber's pureed carrots for him. And wouldn't you know it he ate every single bite! So what gives? Is this a texture thing? Do I go back to puree food? Or just keep trying finger foods till he decides to eat them again?
I really hope I haven't pushed finger foods to soon and now he is rebelling. Feeling some serious mommy guilt right now.
Oh, Mama! Don't worry. Babies and toddlers are picky! Luckily, his formula gives him a ton of nutrients ;-) I was at the dr today for Con man's 18 month check up and I was saying how my son hates yogurt now. He said it's probably a textural thing some kids like purees and others hate them. Since we did baby led weaning, our son isn't a huge fan of things that are softer and mushy. Sigh...
Pick your battles when they can understand. Until then, offer a variety and eventually he will find things he likes.
It's probably just a phase ;)
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