I have also been busy preparing for Mother's Day, trying my best to put together something creative for Cole's Grandma's. I'm excited to see if they like what I came up with! I have also been busy making Cole's 1st Birthday Invitations. Man did I just say that. Still hard to believe. Thank God my mom is amazing with photo shop...I really like how they turned out. I will be sure to share them later.
Let's see what else. Hmm. Oh yea Cole started music class this week too. He loves it! It was so great to see him interact with the other kids so well and he just adored all the singing too.
I keep waiting for things to slow down and it just doesn't seem to happen. Hopefully this weekend I can find some time to relax and spend some quality time with my favorite little man celebrating my first Mother's Day!
Here are some photos from my phone this week. Hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day Weekend!
Cole's new play gym, Got it on Craigslist for $30!

Cant wait to play with him next weekend :) I might actually borrow that book from you to read this summer! See you guys soon
I read that book on my honeymoon. I couldn't put it down! So juicy.
He will get lots of use out of that gym :)
Cute gym...wow almost a year!
Happy Mother's Day!!
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