Things Cole is up to these days ;
He can sing parts of the Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle little star. What he can't say he makes up for with clapping.
He can repeat any color you say but when you ask him "What Color is this?" Most of the time he says Blue.
He loves Animals. He knows and can say almost all his farm animals and a few jungle ones. I can't get enough of him attempting to make all the animal sounds. It's to cute.
Loves to "help" sweep and vacuum. Brushing his teeth is an obsession of his. He asks to "Brush" anytime we pass he's bathroom. I hope this dedication to his dental hygiene continues as he gets older! Ha.
One Nap a day. Usually around between 2 to 3hrs. Bedtime is around 730. Wake up time 7:30. Kid loves some sleep.
Runs more then he walks. Why walk if you can run?!
Not sure how tall he is or how much he weighs. He's doctor doesn't do an 18 month checkup but a 20 month one. But he seems to have gotten taller over the last month. He's in 24month clothing now because the 18month pants were to short.
Dislikes having on his head. It's a constant struggle to get him to wear a hat outside.
Hates to put a jacket on. He cries out "Off" or "Stuck" while pulling on the jacket. My usual response.. Sorry kid your not "stuck" you have to wear it.
Has a sweet tooth. Christmas sweets didn't help.
Loves Milk. Probably drinks to much. But I have a hard time telling him no. When he says please over and over.
Awhile back I was teaching Cole the word water and he was having a hard time saying the W sound so I told him the Spanish word for it. Agua. Well wouldn't you know it that's what he calls water now. Whenever he see's water he yells Agua. When I ask him if he would like some water, he says Agua. My whole family gets a kick out of it.
Time is ticking down to saying goodbye to his "Pass" which is his pacifier. He is very dependent on it for naptime and bedtime. And he has started asking for it other times. This is major Trouble. I foresee lots of crying when we are sans pacifiers.
Loves the movie Rio. The first two minutes of that movie means an all out dance party for Cole. I need to video tape it one of these days. He just loves all Music and Dancing.
Trains,Trucks and Cars are his favorite toys. He is all boy.
OK I can't seem to think of anything else. I love this age. I'm blessed with a bright, energetic, curious little boy who makes my life so fulfilling. He's almost always happy temperament reminds me so much of Daddy. Oh how I love him.
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