Cole was in the kitchen trying to get into the pantry and whining. I walk over to see what the issue could be.
Me: “Cole are you hungry do you want some gold fish?”
Cole: “No“ then more whining
Me: “What do you want Cole” as I sit down at his level on the ground.
Cole: “ Cookie”
Me: “ Ok” I proceed to get him a cookie and close the pantry door.
All is fine in the world again and he starts running around devouring his cookie. Then he’s all done. And were back to square one, he’s at the pantry door but this time crying and saying cookie. I explain to him there will be no more cookies. This my friends is the worst thing Cole could have heard. He is now flailing his arms on the pantry door saying “no cookie” over and over.
I try to distract him but it seems my kids sweet tooth has kicked in and no amount of distraction is going to stop this tantrum. He is emotionally invested now. He wants this cookie more than anything else in his life. But I’m not giving in on this one.
So hubs and me retreat to the family room trying to ignore the crying toddler. But it just gets worse. He’s walking around the house now crying so load it’s hard to think. Hubs asks me “what is going on with him?” I tell him “I believe we are experiencing his first tantrum”. After what feels like an hour but actually 10minutes I have reached my threshold of “ignoring” and take Cole up to his crib. It’s time to calm down I tell him.
And thank goodness that’s exactly what he did. He sat there in this crib silent. After five minutes I went back into get him and I was greeted by a huge smiling 17month old who had forgotten the whole ordeal.
I’m fairly certain this is not the last time we will be experiencing this, it’s around this age they start to emotional mature and understand they have likes and dislikes. For me I try to remind myself to stay calm. The last thing we need is two screaming people. Picking your battles is also important. Sure giving him the cookie would have been easy but most likely we would have been revisiting this cookie issue if not that day but the next.
So I guess we have entered the big bad world of discipline in toddler hood. I’m scared someone hold me.
Sounds like you handled it perfectly!
love your blog, I think it sounds like you did everything AWESOME! good job mama! I am your new follower and would love a follow back :)
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