Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cole meets Emery

I will always remember the look on his face when he entered the hospital room. A grin from ear to ear looking for his baby sister and me. My sweet little boy had grown up over night and he was so excited to see what all the excitement was all about. He climbed right up to my hospital bed and gave me a big kiss, all my anxiety just washed away. He asked to see his baby sister and the present she had gotten him. He didn't want to hold her but just look at her. I showed him how tiny her little hands and feet were compared to his and told him how when he was a baby he was just as small. He really thought that was the funniest thing.

  Emery 001

Emery 008

Emery 009

Emery 045

The last 2 weeks have gone better than I imagined, everyday he seems more interested in her and is always concerned about where she is and how she is doing. I just know once Emery can do more then just lay there they will be fast friends. Cole hasn't acted out all to much which I'm thankful for, its made the transition from one child to two easier. There really is something amazing about seeing your two babies together, it warms my heart and makes me all sappy. I just love these two little nuggets so much.

  vday 058"We'll be friends until forever, just you wait and see" - A.A. Milne

1 comment:

Linda said...

Adorable! It is so precious to see the two together!