Today was Cole's 2 month checkup with his doctor. I really wasn't looking forward to watching my baby get all his shots and so I was a bit frazzled while trying to get ready in time for the appointment. I had Cole all ready to I put him in his bouncy chair while I tried to do something with my hair and look some what presentable. Cole was sitting there talking up a storm and just as pleasant as could be, so I didn't rush. In true Cole fashion he made it LOUD and clear he had either really bad gas or just pooped. I called out to him that I would be there in a second to change him... he seemed not bothered at all and kept talking away. I finished up and went over and took a look at him...and all I see on one side is a LARGE brown stain by his belly. Seriously how on earth did his poop go upwards when he's been sitting upright?!? So I pick him up under his arms and take him to his room to asses the damage. Well this boy somehow pooped upwards and was up to his armpits and all over his back and his belly button! With 5 minutes till we had to leave I stripped him down, ran to start the bath, picked out his new outfit, grabbed a towel and a new diaper. And in the bath he went for the quickest bath to date! Thankfully we made it out the door in time and to the doctors office with no problem.
Cole did great at his checkup and officially weighed in at 11 pounds 15oz, 22.5 inches long which puts him at the 50 percentile for both. He got a total of 5 shots, and really didn't cry till the last two. He turned bright red and was so worked up I was trying to calm him and tell him to breath. Thankfully once I picked him up he was fine and we made it out of there without to much heartache. :)
2 month photo shoot included Cam trying to get Cole to smile. :)

What a flippin cutie!
ewww cant wait to seem yall this wkend!
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