And to top it off Cole is is the BEST feeling ever when your baby smiles at you! It's like confirmation that I must be doing something right, he loves me and he's happy.:)
Things that have changed;
He loves he's pacifier.
He is in size 1 diapers and has out grown his newborn size clothes too.
He is SLEEPING in his crib.
He is losing his hair...he's looking like an old man these days.
He has baby acne...while as painful as it looks it doesn't bother him at all.
He makes the Ahhhhh, Cooooo and Grunt sounds all the time. I love it!
He LOVES sleeping in our bed.
He is a great little traveler...I take him out everywhere!
He's taking a 4-5oz.bottle around every 4-5hrs. Yep, we have changed over to strictly formula. I wasn't producing enough breast milk to fill up my little man's tummy. So about a week ago we made the switch and he's doing great! I beat my self up a little about stopping breastfeeding but it's what works best for Cole and me. :)
He's generally eating between 9 & 10 pm then another feeding around 2am then he seems up and ready for the day around 5am. While we are morning people 5am is a bit to early for us. So most mornings Cam brings Cole into our bed to sleep with us. He loves it and I think we have started a bad habit but the truth is we love it too. There's noting better then snuggling with him in the morning and at least its always after 5am.
Here's Cole enjoying his play him!
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