We weighed our little man last night and he came in at 11 pounds 7 ounces! He has changed so much in the last 4 weeks. He has now slept 3 nights in a row from 8pm to around 6am! I really think I can welcome this wonderful change to me upping his bottle's to 6oz from 5oz. and the magical swaddle me blanket. Whatever it is ...its WORKING!
Honestly I started to stick to a routine around 6 weeks and he seems to be right on board with it. I'm not super anal about exact time but more with what he needs. I know that every day around lunch time he needs a good long nap...some days that means 11-1 other days it's 12:30-2:30. He always lets me know loud and clear when he's ready to eat and it seems to be the same time give or take a half hour every day. Our nighttime routine is pretty basic depending on how hungry he is we either feed him first then a bath or bath then feed him. After we swaddle him right up and lay him down to bed. And this is how i know we have a good baby...he falls asleep on his own! Yep no crying, no rocking,no come put my pacifier back in...he lays there till he falls asleep.
Cole these days ....
Is the happiest in the morning...he wakes with a big smile and loves to play bright and early. This is just like his father...not so much me.
He still falls asleep whenever we put him into his car seat.
He talks all the time. Ahh, ohhh and grrrr .Gone are the days of just holding him...he loves to be entertained.
Cole is really smiling a lot these last 2 weeks. He especially likes to give a big smile when either Cam or me start singing. I try to play music and sing/dance to him about an hour a day...he really seems to enjoy it. He's favorite right now is Jack Johnson.
Here is my attempt at uploading a video..click below.
Bath Time - 6 weeks
Tummy at 8 week :)
Super precious!! He makes me smile. I am so happy that he is sleeping through the night. What a welcomed changed. I must say it took Connor 6 months to do that;-(
Maybe I need to get a swaddle me blanket thingy. Love the video!
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