What you have been up to this month,
* When your hungry you kick your feet and make grunting sounds...like FEED ME!
* You smile ALL the time!
* Just started laughing
* You sleep around 10 to 11 hours a night
* If you could you would be standing all the time, we stand you up and you have such a proud smile on your face.
* You love all animal noises. Especially Dogie, Dukie and Cow.
* Your hair has really come in and it's very blond!
* You love bath time and when we sign you the rubber duck bath time song.
* You like to be propped up on the coach like a big boy.
* Blowing Raspberries is your new thing to do these days.
* You weigh about 15lbs 10oz
* Your in six month clothing
* You get a kick out of peek a boo
* Tummy Time has become a good time for you, thank goodness!
* You have rolled over from your tummy to your back, and I think the other way is very soon.
I love watching you grow, learn and become you!