Cole turns 5 months today! This past month has been so fun,he is just so interactive with us these days with the constant talking, moving and laughing. I'm sure with each month is only going to get better. But this was the best so far! This months photo shoot was a bit harder... he talks, screams and moves all around the entire time. I have to snap like 50 photos in 2mins hoping I got something good!
Cole talking up a storm

Puma wanted in on the action

My happy boy

He broke a tooth this weekend and he's still so happy :)

What Cole's up to these days...
- wants to sit or stand all the time.
- can sit on his own for a little while
- can turn over both ways
- holds his bottle most of the time
- has tried pears, bananas and sweet potatoes and liked them all
- loves his jumper/exesaucer thing
- talks to his stuffed animals
- reaches out for the kitty cats
- grabs EVERYTHING..then inserts it into his mouth
- has the best laugh ever
- smiles all the time
- sleeps 11 hours a night
- naps about 2.5-3.5 hrs during the day
- wears 6 month and 6-9 month clothes
- wears size 3 diapers now
- weighs about 17lbs and 9 oz
- has started saying ra ra ra and da da da
- cut his first tooth this weekend!
I love him more then I can put into words! My world begins and ends with him. :)