Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gobble Gobble

Thanksgiving 2010 has come and gone leaving me feeling a good 5 pounds heavier! I have so much to be thankful for this year and just keep counting my blessings for all that we have. We hosted Thanksgiving dinner at our house again this year, Cam was in charge of the Turkey and after last year under his belt this year went smoothly. He does this sage/bacon/syrup thing to it sounds yummy huh...it tasted amazing! Our wonderful mothers each brought a few things that made the dinner into one of the finest yet! Cole didn't get to eat any of it but he did sit at the table in his high chair and enjoyed some pears. Cole was so excited to have everyone there he didn't even nap that afternoon and feel asleep for the night at 6pm!

Cole and his Grandma

Loved his Turkey Bib

All done eating...

Cole learned the best part of thanksgiving passing out on the couch...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

5 Months

Cole turns 5 months today! This past month has been so fun,he is just so interactive with us these days with the constant talking, moving and laughing. I'm sure with each month is only going to get better. But this was the best so far! This months photo shoot was a bit harder... he talks, screams and moves all around the entire time. I have to snap like 50 photos in 2mins hoping I got something good!

Cole talking up a storm

Puma wanted in on the action

My happy boy

He broke a tooth this weekend and he's still so happy :)

What Cole's up to these days...

- wants to sit or stand all the time.
- can sit on his own for a little while
- can turn over both ways
- holds his bottle most of the time
- has tried pears, bananas and sweet potatoes and liked them all
- loves his jumper/exesaucer thing
- talks to his stuffed animals
- reaches out for the kitty cats
- grabs EVERYTHING..then inserts it into his mouth
- has the best laugh ever
- smiles all the time
- sleeps 11 hours a night
- naps about 2.5-3.5 hrs during the day
- wears 6 month and 6-9 month clothes
- wears size 3 diapers now
- weighs about 17lbs and 9 oz
- has started saying ra ra ra and da da da
- cut his first tooth this weekend!

I love him more then I can put into words! My world begins and ends with him. :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Makes it a little easier

Being a working mom is harder then anyone ever prepared me for and I'm still coming to grips with only a few short hours everyday with Cole. Thankfully my wonderful family knows how much I miss him and sends me updates through out the day. It makes it so much easier to get through my days when I get pictures like these....

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Films

These days Cole's favorite thing is Mr. Monkey. Cole just loves talking to him and slobbering all over him. Happy Friday! Enjoy!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cole and Puma

The past few weeks Cole has really started to notice the furry four legged kitty cats walking around him. I happened to be taking this when he decided to say "hi" to Puma Cat.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Sunday is by far my favorite day of the week. I love lazy Sunday mornings that turn into lazy Sunday afternoons watching endless amounts of football. This past Sunday however we ventured out and down to DC to spend some time with Family who were visiting from out of town.It was unusually warm and clear for mid November so we walked around to various memorials taking in the amazing day. It's funny to me how close we live to DC but rarely ever take advantage to the amazing memorials and museum's it has to offer. Cam and me both vowed to each other it wouldn't be another 7 years till we came back. I can't wait to experience it all with Cole and show him around our amazing capital. Next time let's hope he doesn't sleep through the whole thing....

WWII Memorial

Kos Family

Cole,Cam,My Dad and Uncle Mike

Sleeping Baby


Cole is B-A-N-A-N-A-S for Bananas! I know it's highly recommended to start with rice cereal as your babies first solid food but it didn't really work out that way for Cole. Yes I tried to give him rice cereal but he wasn't having it, at first I thought it was because he was to young and needed time. So I waited then tried again for a few days straight and it was clear the boy did not care for the taste of it. Seriously though have you tried that stuff?!?!It's gross. Many have suggested mixing fruit into the rice to make it more appealing to him which I intend to try this week but first we had to introduce a fruit.
At first Cole wasn't to sure about Bananas but once we started doing airplane dives with the spoon into his mouth he was loving every second of it! While most of it ends up outside his mouth rather then in we are making progress with each day. Next up is Rice cereal and bananas if that doesn't work then on to Oatmeal.

Not really sure he likes it...

Yep loves some Bananas!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Wait for it.......

Ummm this this pretty much made my day...Yes Please we will take both of these! We are in LOVE with HIMYM!

I hate you Time Change!

OK so no Friday Film today. It's been one of those weeks you wish you could just redo. As a first time parent I had no idea how much of a wrench the time change would put into our lives. Life before the time change was pretty predictable and was going pretty smoothly. Besides the occasional early morning everyone in our house was doing dandy. Cole's sleeping pattern looked like this;

Wake up at 5:30 - 6am
Nap 3-4 hours during the day
Bedtime at 7- 7:15pm.

Then comes last Sunday, we all are blessed with an extra hour of sleep but this was not to be in my house. Cole was up at his usual time but now with the time change... we are talking about a time before rosters even make a peep! We have tried all week to get him to stay up later but my son will have nothing to do with it. He will go to sleep at 6pm no matter what the circumstances are, sitting up... sleeping,being held up...still sleeping, diaper change ...sleeping and lastly bath time...not sleeping but he rubs he's eyes the whole time (umm soap in eyes). So life for Cole on the new time looks like this...

Wake at 4:45-5:15am
He sleeps around 3-4 hours during the day
Bedtime 5:45 to 6pm
Total sleep: 14-16hrs

I know I should be happy he's such a good sleeper but this new schedule he has developed is killing me. I miss seeing my baby awake. Poor Cam doesn't even get to see him at night. I'm just at a loss on how to change this so his bed time is later. Do I try to get him to sleep more during the day?

I just feel defeated,distraught and tired. I curse the Time Change and wish we could all go back to the way things were ....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 1

As a working mom finding time to do everything is hard. And one thing that gets pushed back on the priority list is working out. I talked about working out at night but that didn't work.I blame plain tiredness, my days start at 5am and don't stop till Cole is asleep at 7pm. The LAST thing I wanna do is work out. period. Weekends are meant to be free time from obligations and need to do's, working out falls in under need to do. So I asked myself, will I ever really work out?!? And I believe I have come up with a solution.
Lunch time work outs! I have joined a gym less then a min. from my work, and will be going three times a week. Taking advantage of this hour will require me to be super organized (bag packed the night before) and not doing my occasional blog reading.

Day one is this Thursday. I hope this works....if not I will need Santa to deliver big time this Christmas in my big girl size. :(

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday Films!

Wow! I actually was able to upload some videos this week. I however didn't get to working out or going to bed early but the videos are what matter more right?!?

This Video I actually took last week when Cole turned 4 months old, he had his check up this past Tuesday and he's 15lbs 15oz (58%) and 25 1/4 inches (52%) so little man is right on track! The Doc was very pleased with his eating, sleeping and milestones so far. He said Cole is one happy baby and very very strong!

Cole started laughing last week, first time was for his GG then the next day his Granny/Nana/Grandma/Vicki (she doesn't know what she wants to be called yet...she changes it everyday). I was able to hear it earlier this week but I really wanted Cam to get to a chance to hear the best sound ever! I took this last night when I got home from work, Cam wasn't home yet. :( However Cole was saving the best for later...with me singing a very rough version of "Have you seen the Muffin Man" he started laughing and laughing and laughing. Cam's eyes lit up when he heard it...awww doesn't get better then that.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Bump

It never ceases to amaze me how The Bump is right on target. During my pregnancy I received emails telling my how far along I was and the symptoms that usually occurred then, which was very helpful. Now since Cole was born the emails are about him and what he is up to with each week that passes. Today I received an email that screamed out to me, "4 month wakeful period?". Cole has been a Rock Star sleeper...been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks old! The past two weeks this has changed Cole has woken up some nights at 3:45 or 4am, its generally loud babbling and sounds like hey guys I'm in here come get me. He's not hungry...he just wants to hang out. There was no big change in his schedule, could it be because I went back to work?!? I chopped it up to being because he had gotten a cold around the time this started, and he was just still getting over being sick. Then I get this email, turns out this is a new UNWELCOME phase of turning 4 months old. What is this you ask...

It's not uncommon for babies to start having sleep difficulties around their four-month birthday. This ages marks a huge cognitive and emotional turning point for babies, as they become much more aware of -- and interested in -- the world around them. It can also mean they'll sometimes want to play during the night. This is actually a good sign, because it means baby is bonding with you and having a good time during the day. However, it's challenging to cater to his desire to be with you around the clock.

Just when I thought we had made it past our sleepless nights it looks like this new phase will have us waking up way to early for the next few days? weeks? months? Being a parent is never easy just when you think you got it figured out things change...and then change again. I know this to shall pass and I have been reading wonderful tips on how to get past this from other mommies on the bump. It's so helpful to hear were not alone and what we can do to change it.So now Cam and me are on a rotating schedule of every other morning so we can make it though the day. And it seems like on most of Cam's mornings Cole sleeps just fine to 5:30am. Go figure...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween on Cypress Lane

This was are second Halloween since moving into our house and we have discovered that Halloween is a big deal on our street.The parents have organized a huge group that go around the neighborhood together, they all are dressed in costume along with there kids. It looks like so much fun and especially the coolers they bring with them that are filled with Adult beverages!But with Cole only being 4 months old this Halloween we sat this year out and waited to hand out candy.
When the kids from our street came to the door, we had to have Cole answer the door with us. We opened the door and in unison the kids screamed "Trick or Treat", this scared the CRAP out of Cole he let out one big cry then stared down at the little kids grabbing for candy. We proceeded to follow the kids out and say hello to all the parents and talked about how much fun next year will be when we can join the group!

Cam picked out Cole's costume a long time ago and it fit perfectly!