-Cole is constantly on the move these days, while he's not crawling yet he does roll, lunge, grab and even pull himself up on me.
-He can stand up on his own holding something for awhile but is fearless and just lets go when he's done. Gives me a heart attack every time.
-He loves feeding himself puffs, cheerios and bananas...he's really good at doing it with his finger and thumb. I think it's time for him to start eating more finger foods.
-He's finally gotten over his protest of holding his bottle.
-He's started to try and clap, its more of a slapping of the front of each hand but it's a start.
-I have seen him wave hi a few times but doesn't do it consistently for me to think he knows what he's doing.
-Cole is quiet the talker these days, while most of it sounds like Chinese he can distinctively say dada and mama. He's even started saying Ma Ma when he's upset. Not sure if he's actually calling out for me..seems to early for him to be doing this.
-He's weight has stayed steady at 20lbs 5oz but he grown in height...rough guess is 27.5 inches long.
-He's wearing 12 month clothes and some 12-18 months.
-Hands down his favorite character is Mickey Mouse, the kid just lights up whenever he see's him.
-He loves when I sing and dance for him, finds it pretty amusing. Go figure.
-Bath time is becoming out of hand...showed him how to splash and now there seems to be more water out of tub then in by the end of it!
-He loves the kitty cats however he does not understand the world gentle. Ha. Poor kitty cats.
I can't get over how grown up he looks, he is seriously looking more like a toddler these days then a baby. Everyday with him brings new adventures, joy and excitement. Cole has a very easy going, rambunctious and happy temperament. I feel so blessed to call him mine.
I love those rolley polley legs! Happy 8 month birthday Cole!
So cute....cant believe he is 8 months!
Happy 8 months! He may be a baby who walks and never crawls. That's how my niece Olivia was:-) He stands so well :-)
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