99 days till I need to look like this in a bathing suit.

Ok so I will never look like this in a bathing suit but damn it I'm going to try real hard to come close. Those pestery 10 lbs I have allowed to take refuge on my hips and stomach must go! No more excuses. No more avoiding the mirror when I get dressed. There is no other choice. I have been running/walking for the past 2 weeks, and with 8 workouts down I have lost 2 lbs. A long time ago I use to be an athlete, I could endure hours of high impact workouts with barely feeling an ache anywhere. But now I'm older, I'm out of shape and I'm feeling it. I feel it in my hips the most. Which is beyond odd to me, is it because of the extra weight? Is it from having a baby? I know having a baby changes your body. Seriously my stomach looks like a deflated balloon that my cats pounced on and scratched the hell out of. Nice image huh?!? And yes many women lose the baby weight and get back to there original weight but everything feels different..fits differently. I never realized that till I had Cole.
Whatever the obstacles I have ahead of me I will not allow it to stop me.
So I'm going to try and keep my self motivated. To talk about my progress. And lose this weight.
Keep up the hard work mama! It will pay off. Btw that suit is really cute.
I cannot wait! And congrats on the progress:-)
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