Happy Valentines Day! February 14Th brings great emphasis on roses, chocolates, candlelight and expensive dates. And I won't lie back when Hubs and me first started dating I wanted all of that, I suppose it was the newness of us and needing the validation that he loved me. This being our 6Th Valentines Day together I have to say all that stuff is just stuff. The hype of Valentines Day is completely lost on me. Don't give me roses to show your love, do this weeks laundry and you will make my heart swoon!
So I'll take this day to be grateful for Hubs & cherish the life we have built together, the love and laughter we share everyday and the perfect little boy we created.<3 <3 <3

That picture is a great one of you 2!
That is a very sweet thought! Great couple!
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