Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Learning to Walk

So little man has been trying out his walking legs the past 2 weeks and he's getting better and better each day. These days it mostly 4 or 5 steps , crawl ,stand up then 4 or 5 steps. Last night he walked the furthest yet 10 whole steps! I'm having the hardest time trying to catch him walking on video...he starts walking and i stare then think darn it where is my camera! Anyway I did get a few step last week on tape...he's balance has even approved since then but as you can see there has been a few bumps and bruises the past 2 weeks :) Hopefully I can try and get a better video but for now this will do!

No fear it is him walking right by me and falling into his tent.


K Ervick said...

How cool! I am sure everyday he will get better and better until he is running around your house. Break out the knee pads ;)

The Gearys said...

How hilarious! I love how he holds his arms up for balance!! He will be running in no time, Mama!