Monday, August 30, 2010

Big Blow Out & 2 month Check up!

Today was Cole's 2 month checkup with his doctor. I really wasn't looking forward to watching my baby get all his shots and so I was a bit frazzled while trying to get ready in time for the appointment. I had Cole all ready to I put him in his bouncy chair while I tried to do something with my hair and look some what presentable. Cole was sitting there talking up a storm and just as pleasant as could be, so I didn't rush. In true Cole fashion he made it LOUD and clear he had either really bad gas or just pooped. I called out to him that I would be there in a second to change him... he seemed not bothered at all and kept talking away. I finished up and went over and took a look at him...and all I see on one side is a LARGE brown stain by his belly. Seriously how on earth did his poop go upwards when he's been sitting upright?!? So I pick him up under his arms and take him to his room to asses the damage. Well this boy somehow pooped upwards and was up to his armpits and all over his back and his belly button! With 5 minutes till we had to leave I stripped him down, ran to start the bath, picked out his new outfit, grabbed a towel and a new diaper. And in the bath he went for the quickest bath to date! Thankfully we made it out the door in time and to the doctors office with no problem.

Cole did great at his checkup and officially weighed in at 11 pounds 15oz, 22.5 inches long which puts him at the 50 percentile for both. He got a total of 5 shots, and really didn't cry till the last two. He turned bright red and was so worked up I was trying to calm him and tell him to breath. Thankfully once I picked him up he was fine and we made it out of there without to much heartache. :)

2 month photo shoot included Cam trying to get Cole to smile. :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Baby Talk

Of course as Cole's mother I think it is just adorable when he makes any kind of noise...even if it's just baby talk. Here is a video of a typical morning in with Cole.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Two Months Old!

Ok so he doesn't officially turn 2 months until this Saturday but close enough right?! Well Cole has his 2 month check up next Monday and we will get the official weigh in but thanks to my mom we are now proud owners of a baby scale! Thank you mom and thank you craigslist.

We weighed our little man last night and he came in at 11 pounds 7 ounces! He has changed so much in the last 4 weeks. He has now slept 3 nights in a row from 8pm to around 6am! I really think I can welcome this wonderful change to me upping his bottle's to 6oz from 5oz. and the magical swaddle me blanket. Whatever it is ...its WORKING!

Honestly I started to stick to a routine around 6 weeks and he seems to be right on board with it. I'm not super anal about exact time but more with what he needs. I know that every day around lunch time he needs a good long nap...some days that means 11-1 other days it's 12:30-2:30. He always lets me know loud and clear when he's ready to eat and it seems to be the same time give or take a half hour every day. Our nighttime routine is pretty basic depending on how hungry he is we either feed him first then a bath or bath then feed him. After we swaddle him right up and lay him down to bed. And this is how i know we have a good baby...he falls asleep on his own! Yep no crying, no rocking,no come put my pacifier back in...he lays there till he falls asleep.

Cole these days ....
Is the happiest in the morning...he wakes with a big smile and loves to play bright and early. This is just like his father...not so much me.

He still falls asleep whenever we put him into his car seat.

He talks all the time. Ahh, ohhh and grrrr .Gone are the days of just holding him...he loves to be entertained.

Cole is really smiling a lot these last 2 weeks. He especially likes to give a big smile when either Cam or me start singing. I try to play music and sing/dance to him about an hour a day...he really seems to enjoy it. He's favorite right now is Jack Johnson.

Here is my attempt at uploading a below.

Bath Time - 6 weeks

Tummy at 8 week :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Like Father Like Son!

So I went and took a look back at Cam & My baby pictures and came across this one of Cam's first bath....looks pretty similar to Cole...don't you think!?!?!

Obliviously our little man is going to look a lot like his least he got my coloring! He's going to be one handsome boy if I say so myself!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tummy Time

Tummy Time! While it's not Cole's favorite thing to do we try to do it twice a day.

Here is the little man at work!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nap Time in Crib ...Day 2!

It was a success!!! I put him down at 12pm and he slept till 3:30pm! Oh happy day...this may be the start of something great!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nap time in Crib, Check!

Today I decided it was time for Cole to start nap time in his crib. He had a few cat naps in the morning but nothing over 30 min long. He always seems to be get the most tired around lunch time so after his 11:30 feeding I decided to try out the crib. I burped him, swaddled him and then rocked him to sleep for about 5 min. then laid him down in his crib in hopes this would work. I brought the monitor downstairs as I made lunch real fast thinking I probably had maybe 20 min before he would wake up crying but to my surprise he feel asleep! After an hour he woke up I went in thinking not bad for his first nap time in his crib and proceeded to change him but he still seemed tired and cranky. So I brought out the big guns...the swaddle me blanket! Folks we just started using it this week at night and its amazing! So I swaddled him up, rocked him for a few minutes and put in his pacifier. I went to my room to fold laundry thinking he would be up soon but he went on to sleep for another 2.5 hrs!!! I just kept checking the disbelief that it had worked. I didn't know what to do with all my time...I cleaned the kitchen, worked out and even organized my closet!

Let's hope this wasn't a one time thing and I have started some kind of routine! Yep this is what makes me happy these days. Oh the joys of a new made my day! Wish me luck for tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Ladies!

Happy Birthday to two amazing and wonderful ladies in my life! I love you both so much!

Look what I have been up to this week!

Bumbo Time!

Happy Baby!

Big Baby Blue Eyes

Just want to eat him up!

My little Heavy Weight!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's all smiles at 5 weeks!

Cole is 5 weeks old and has changed so much! While we are far from a set schedule there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Friends it does get EASIER! You will sleep again!

And to top it off Cole is is the BEST feeling ever when your baby smiles at you! It's like confirmation that I must be doing something right, he loves me and he's happy.:)

Things that have changed;

He loves he's pacifier.

He is in size 1 diapers and has out grown his newborn size clothes too.

He is SLEEPING in his crib.

He is losing his hair...he's looking like an old man these days.

He has baby acne...while as painful as it looks it doesn't bother him at all.

He makes the Ahhhhh, Cooooo and Grunt sounds all the time. I love it!

He LOVES sleeping in our bed.

He is a great little traveler...I take him out everywhere!

He's taking a 4-5oz.bottle around every 4-5hrs. Yep, we have changed over to strictly formula. I wasn't producing enough breast milk to fill up my little man's tummy. So about a week ago we made the switch and he's doing great! I beat my self up a little about stopping breastfeeding but it's what works best for Cole and me. :)

He's generally eating between 9 & 10 pm then another feeding around 2am then he seems up and ready for the day around 5am. While we are morning people 5am is a bit to early for us. So most mornings Cam brings Cole into our bed to sleep with us. He loves it and I think we have started a bad habit but the truth is we love it too. There's noting better then snuggling with him in the morning and at least its always after 5am.

Here's Cole enjoying his play him!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Cole's Grandpa...aka Big Poppi Kos!