Today you are 10 months old. Wow. This past month has gone by faster than any other month. You have shown me how resilient, determined, and strong willed you are. You started army crawling right before you turned 9 months and within 2 weeks you were “real” crawling all over the house. But that wasn’t good enough for you, being the determined little boy you are you also perfected pulling up and cruising at the same time. Now it is all you want to do . I have seen you stand on your own for short periods of time but it seems once you realize it you sit down. You love taking daddy and mommy’s hands and walking all over the place. I have a feeling you will be close to walking right around the time we head to the beach.:).Since you have become so mobile pulling up on the window sills and looking outside seems to be a favorite. As well as closing doors. It’s become a game to you, you love to close the door then open it to either the kitty cats or mommy on the other side …makes you laugh every time you do it. Which is like 20 times in a row.
As for food, you LOVE fruit. If it’s on your plate nothing else gets eaten but the fruit. You are now feeding yourself all three meals and seem to like everything but meat. No pressure but we will get you to like it! Ha. Daddy and Mommy are huge meat eaters so you have no choice. You love drinking out of your Sippy cup, very odd thing but you love drinking water.
Music is a huge thing in your life. Listening to music, playing music or hearing mommy sing makes you so happy. You now shake your head and body and have started to babble like your singing along. You also love anything animal related, you light up when we see them.
My heart swoons every time I ask for a kiss and you lean in open mouthed and all to lay one on me. You show lots of love to all of your favorite people. You have experienced a little stranger anxiety but nothing to brutal. Your just very cautious when meeting new people. It’s OK cause I love that you’re a mama’s boy! You are talking up a storm. Lots of the time it sounds like a foreign language, but you call me mama and your daddy is dada. We swear over Easter we heard you say duck. But it was only once.
I’m not sure of your exact weight and height but it’s around 23lbs and 29.5 inches long. Your teeth decided to come in all at once, you now have 8 teeth! I love seeing you smile cause I get to see all of your pearly whites. Your wearing 18 month clothing and soon to move up to size 5 diapers. But enough about your silly stats. I just want you to know that I live each day to make you happy! Your smile drives me to be a be a better mother, wife, sister, daughter and friend. You have changed me in every way. Happy 10 Months Little Man!
Love Always,
Started taking Pictures on the Chair...

Started to make me very nervous after one shot...

To the floor you went which meant not sitting still....

You paused for one second to let me take this... :)

I love him.
Adorable pics Sarah! I need to come viist and meet Cole!!
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