I really don’t know how single mothers do it. Being the sole caregiver is exhausting. Hubs is away for work for 7 full days and nights. I’m on day 5 and I have learned it really is an art of juggling everything to just make it through the day. While I consider myself pretty organized and prepared this is a whole new level. Trying to entertain and keep Cole out of trouble while drying my hair and putting make up on in the mornings is pretty challenging. Getting us both dressed, ready and out the door on a timely manner is also pretty difficult. Not difficult impossible, lets just say I have not been punctual once this week. Oops. Then work all day.Ugg.Then pick Cole up and rush to get him fed, bathed, dressed and loved before his bed time at 7:00pm.
When I closed Cole’s bedroom door last night I seriously debated going straight to bed myself. But I still needed to get out of my work clothes, make dinner, pick up all the random toys that looked like a tornado had flung them throughout me house, take out the trash and recycling, pack Cole’s diaper bag for tomorrow and prepare any food he may need for the next day. So finally at 8:30 I got to relax. 15hr days are hard. At least with Hubs home there is a shared responsibility to get everything done. We work together. I’m really looking forward to my teammate returning home.
This mama needs all the help she can get! :)

Girl I hear ya! Jeff is out of town 2 weekends in a row and has been out for work pretty much every night this week. It's a tiring job, but atleast these little ones are cute. I too look forward to having my partner back next week.
Take deep breaths and prioritize. Bad news: doing it with two is not any easier.
At least you had the gparents to feed you all week..LOL
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