Cole stood up all by himself. I still can’t believe it. We were playing up in the sitting room in our bedroom with Cole’ blocks. I put a few of the blocks on top of the ottoman, Cole proceeded to crawl over pull himself right up and started to play with them. He then started to cruise along the couch in a desperate attempt to get a hold of the remote control. I diverted his attention back onto the blocks and the ottoman and he waddled his way back over. And then it happened. He picked up a block and held it with both hands. It took me a second to register that he was in fact standing holding onto nothing. He stood there putting the block in his mouth his legs strong and steady like he had done it a million times. Of course in true mommy fashion I yelled out in excitement, which then startled Cole and he feel down. But he did it. And I saw it. I saw the first time my little man stood all by himself.
Here’s Little Man not looking very little. He got to play with the big kids yesterday at the park.

He is getting SO big SO fast! Where has the time gone???
Yay Cole! This is such a a fun age.
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