Cole's surgery started at 8:30 this morning which meant no bottle or food for him this morning, this was a bit of a challenge but he did very well. We just let him do whatever he wanted...crawl on icky pre-op hospital floor? yep. climb all over his bed and pull down the curtains? sure thing. Even allowed him full range of our cell phones. Anything to keep him happy before surgery.
Then came time for the dreadful walk back to the surgical room. I could feel my eyes getting misty and tried my best not to show it to Cole. He was completely unaware of what was about to happen, he was enjoying looking all around. That was until I layed him down on the surgical table and they put the mask over his face. The anesthesiologist kept saying to me he will fall asleep fast don't worry, but I watched him struggle to get loose and start to cry. I felt my own tears starting to come on...I just kept saying it's OK baby over and over trying to calm him and myself. Finally he fell into a deep slumber and it was time for me to leave. They said give him a big kiss goodbye. I did. Then another. Then another. And as I walked out of the room the tears begin to flow. Thankfully my wonderful husband was there in the waiting room ready help me dry those tears.:)
The surgery took around 2hrs long. Which seemed like forever. And as soon as he came out they let me go back to see him. The first hour out of surgery was the hardest. He was very groggy, confused, in pain and just plain upset. We spent an hour in recovery trying to find the perfect balance of medicine, comfort and bottle to make little man comfortable. On our way out of recovery I could see a huge difference in just an hour. I'm not sure if Cole was just so happy to be leaving the hospital and getting away from all the doctors and nurses or the kid is just super resilient.
He fell asleep in the car and continued to sleep for 2 more hours. And here's the big surprise...when he woke up this afternoon he acted like nothing had happened. Yes the diaper changes are a huge PAIN. It's a two man job. But that seems to be the only issue. He is crawling all around, pulling up, smiling, talking, laughing. I mean really... he had surgery TODAY! We go back Friday morning to remove the catheter and hopefully it's smooth sailing from there.

God Bless him, isn't he just the cutest thing ever?!?!
So happy to hear that everything went well and that Cole is recovering so quickly! He is getting so big! It's hard to believe he is already standing on his own!
So glad it went smoothly!!! He is such a trooper and so are you guys!!! Xoxo
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