- Is eating 4 bottles a day, and three meals a day! Oatmeal with fruit in the a.m., Lunch is Vegetables and dinner is either Fruit or Vegetables.
- Weighs in at 19lbs 9oz as of last night.
- Depending on what brands but he is wearing 9mo & 12mo clothes.
- Is sleeping from 6:45pm to 6am. We try to get him to stay up later but he is all business when it comes to bed time.
- Is taking three naps still. One short one early morning, One mid morning and then one late afternoon.
- He is wearing size 3 diapers
- Loves to sit all the time, reaches for toys out in front of him. But I don't see him crawling anytime soon. Seem content enough just sitting.
- Can say Da Da, Na Na, and MA MA! Yep he's saying Ma Ma!
- Now takes bath's without the baby tub.
- Has a wonderful way of greeting you, he grabs the sides of your face/hair and comes in for some love. It's so cute but it usually means big open mouth kisses or headbutt!
- Everything still goes straight into he's mouth. Can't wait till that is over.
- Loves being naked and always enjoys inserting his foot into his mouth. Literally.
- He worked so hard to pick up the small puffs but has finally mastered it, getting it into his mouth is another thing. :)
- He is so inquisitive and really takes in all that is going on around him. He's soaking up the world around him like a sponge.
- He loves watching the Mikey Mouse Clubhouse, he smiles every time we put it on.
- Enjoys reading as long as he can touch the book. Baby Bear, Baby Bear What do you see? and Guess How Much I love you, are two of his favorites.
That's all I can think of right now. Little man...I love you to the moon and back!
His thighs look like they hurt with all those rolls!I love it! :) PS. Friday is video day i thought?! haha
I love the rolls on the legs! He is SO happy!
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