At Christmas Cole got so many wonderful gifts but one stood out as extra special to me. It was an old wicker rocking chair that I had used when I was a little girl. Actually the chair goes back all the way to my grandmother when she was a little girl in the late 1920's. My parents wanted to pass it along to there first grandchild but first had to get it a little retouched. First they got it dipped to remove all the old led paint and then painted it again. Next they removed the seat and found fabric coverings that went 5 deep ...all the way back to the original one. They replaced the covering and it looks just like new! Cole seems to enjoy sitting it, well mostly eating the sides of it. :)
I just hope we can take care of it as well as my family has over the last 80 years ,so one day I can pass it down!
Me at 11 months old


That is so great! Memorable gifts like that truly hold so much sentimental value:-) & it!!
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