Cole you are blossoming into an amazing little BOY. You can officially sit on your own with just a little bit of swaying when you get lazy. You are such a good eater..doesn't matter what it is peas or pears you will eat it! When going out to eat you now sit in the big boy high chair and ride in the front of the cart when grocery shopping. You say da da to pretty much everything and aren't afraid to scream to make sure everyone knows your in the room. I believe you have another tooth trying to make it's way out which seems to be causing you a bit more pain then your two bottom teeth. You light up when you see your grandparents which melts my heart. Your obsessed with grabbing my phone and of course the remote control. Your favorite toys are the fisher price piano and Scout the dog. Mommy and Daddy can't help but sing along with Scout, house favorite is "Me and My Friend Cole". You love to mimic anyone who sticks there tongue out at you. You weigh in at 18lbs and 12oz and 26inches which puts you right at 50% of where your peers are at. Your wearing 9 month clothing and some 12 months.You give so much love to everyone near you and are just generally a happy little boy. I love you so much and can't believe 6 months have come and gone. Your a rock star baby I can't wait to see what you do the next 6 months!

Happy SIX months! He looks so cute in that last pic:-)
Love that little sweater! Happy Birthday!
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