Tuesday morning Cole slept a lot and was very warm so we kept him sans clothes to try and keep him cool. That's when we saw the rash beginning to emerge, all over his back then to his stomach. Cole spent another night in our bed with me but little sleep was had. So back to the doctor's we went, the next two days were a blur and Cole just seemed to get worse.
Thursday evening it was clear things were not OK with Cole, he's temperature had gone up and his breathing seemed like a struggle for him. We made our way to the ER hoping for some relief for our sweet little boy. The real concern was that he was on day 4 of a high fever that's when talks of a disease called Kawasaki came up. It's a very rare disease and some of the symptoms are a high fever, rash all over, red eyes and swollen palms and feet. The really scary thing is if untreated it can cause real problems to the heart. Cole had ALL of these symptoms so they had to rule out any chance he may have this awful disease. Thank god everything came back ok and we were able to go home Friday evening right in time to ring in the New Year!
Seeing your baby so sick and in pain is heartbreaking. I cried many times hoping for just some mild relief for him. I can't put into words how helpless I felt and not knowing what was wrong with him was even worse. All the poking and prodding made things even worse and I think it will be awhile until he is ok from the experience. He still has a mild fever and still wants nothing more then to be held. But there has been moments of normal Cole. A few smiles and even a laugh and the awful rash has gone away. There seems to be a light at the end of this long week, I just wish it would get here already!
In the ER waiting...

Where Cole and me spent the night,

Hanging out and feeling better

Wow, you guys have been through so much. I have tears just thinking how scared you guys must have been. So glad to hear that Cole is feeling better and is back home with you!
You guys are such strong, amazing parents and I am glad things are getting better for that little man!
I have been thinking of you all, especially Cole....Catch up on your sleep and give Cole some hugs from us! We love you and I know that you are going to have a much better week.
I can't even imagine. You all have been in my prayers, and we are so thankful he is home and on the mend!
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