Cole has officially not slept in his crib since waking up with a fever early morning on Dec 27Th, yep that means for the last 10 days he has been co-sleeping with me. I had no problem or even questioned bringing him to our bed when he was sick but it seems like it will never end. Cam has been banished to the guest room and I haven't slept longer then 3hrs in a row because Cole likes to move a lot in his sleep. Everyone keeps telling me that once he feels better he will go back to his old sleeping patterns but I just don't think that's going to happen. The last three nights we have attempted and have failed at getting him to fall asleep in his crib.
This is a foreign thing to us, Cole has NEVER given us any issues when it comes to bedtime. I know it sounds crazy but before he was sick his routine was like this,bedtime bottle, change into pj's , read some books and then zip him up in his sleep sack and off to sleep he went on his OWN. There would be a little bit of stirring but for the most part he was happy to be going to sleep. Man did I take for granted how easy we had it.
Now we put him down and he cries, he won't even take his pacifier. Just spits it right out. I have picked him up laid him back down, cry. Rocked him till he's just about to fall asleep then laid him in his crib, cry. I have stood by his crib holding his hand till he drifts off, cry. He wakes up right away looking for some comfort.It's like he's scared to sleep alone. Which breaks my heart.
At some point we are going to have to be tough and try out this whole Cry it Out (CIO) method, but just the idea of it makes me squirm. After all Cole has been through these past 2 weeks this seems beyond cruel. I know it works but it feels like just when my child is back up I'm knocking him down again. How do parents do CIO?!?
My plan is to give him one more night in our bed and then we will attempt to let him CIO, god give us strength.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
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Connor was never a great sleeper in terms of wake-ups. He didn't sleep through the night until 5 or so months. He was a champ at putting himself to bed without us, but got so attached to the nighttime bf session. But, once he was consistently STTN and he would randomly wake up at 2 or so and we would give him 5 minutes to cry. He would put himself back to bed and that was that.
CIO is so hard for parents, especially after the traumatic 2 weeks you've had.
He's become so dependent upon you guys because it is a comfort in his time of need, but as long as he is feeling better, I'd suggest letting Cam put him in his crib with you far away. Give him 5-10 minutes at first to cry and gather his surroundings. He may surprise you and go to sleep. After 10 minutes, send Cam in if he is still crying. Soothe him and then repeat the process, but give him a few extra minutes to try and go to sleep. Don't keep the sound on the monitor during those 10 minutes because it will seem like an hour! Do the dishes or something ;+)
You know he is capable as he was always a great sleeper. He just needs to relearn it and regain his independence.
You and Cam are doing an amazing job with him and as with ever other stage, this too shall pass ;-)
Love ya!
The method Courtenay was refering to above (partial extinction) worked for Austin when it came to napping. CIO stinks and I cried a few times too, but it usually works and is worth a try. Good luck mama!
There are pleanty of ways to put Cole to sleep with out having him "cry it out." Put him in his crib, put on soft music, stroke his forehead or pat his back or bottom (if he is a stomach sleeper) until he falls asleep. Just be patient and don't give up. And if he wakes up 5 minutes or a half an hour later you just have to start the process over again (and again and again if nescesary). He may cry, but at least you will be there comfortiing him. Hopefully after a night or two he will slip back into routine and maybe you will have one or two rough nights instead of lots. I have worked with many babies and simple consistancy and diligence has yet to fail me.
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