Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Trick

Now that little man can army crawl like the best marine out there, he doesn't stay still. While moving he has discovered that he can now get himself up to the sitting position from his stomach or back. This means crawling then sitting then crawling then sitting ...and sometimes pulling up....

Here is how I found him yesterday....I guess he was all done napping.

In fact, the last few mornings I have watched him on the video monitor sitting up talking to his elephant mobile. He has always loved it but now it's within arms reach. He talks to the elephants and then gives them a nice slap. Then he lays down and goes back to sleep. Pretty freaking cute. I hope he doesn't pick up any new tricks the next few days I'm in Florida for work.Boo.Well at least it's going to be 85 and sunny.

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